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Rory fiddled with her dress nervously as she walked into the Starlight Roof Ballroom on the 18th floor of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York. She was used to attending work events but this one was going to be a little different.

"Rory, will you just stop fidgeting"

"Sorry" she looked up.

"Why are you so on edge anyhow?"

"Who me? I'm not on edge." Rory said.

The truth was Rory's stomach was doing flips right now because she knew at some point tonight she was going to have to face her ex-boyfriend. She had spent hours getting ready for the event tonight, not really knowing why it mattered to her so much. All she knew was that when she saw Logan tonight she wanted to look at her very best. It wasn't that she was interested in him in that way, but rather that she knew she'd feel far more confident if she looked good. The black figure-hugging dress with its deep v-neckline, front and back, fitted the bill completely. It was one of the sexiest dresses she owned, wearing it always made her feel utterly desirable and paired with her silver sky high Manolo Blahnik pumps she felt pretty good about herself. She kept her make-up simple, with a light smoky eye shadow and a splash of deep red lipstick. She had curled her hair so it softly fell about her shoulders. Lastly, Rory went to her closet to find some appropriate jewelry to wear. She looked through her ever-growing collection and her hand stopped on a box she hadn't looked it for quite a while. She paused before taking the piece out its box and fastening it on herself.

It had been five years since Rory had turned down Logan's proposal at her graduation and while their paths had crossed once or twice since then, she had mainly managed to avoid him. It wasn't that she had immediately stopped loving him, but initially, it had hurt too much to even hear his name and then as time went on she found herself growing angrier about how things had ended between them, even resentful towards him. As time went on she had managed to push him to the back of her mind and move on with her life. Now there were actually even days when she didn't think about him at all.

However, all this was about to change. Earlier that week she discovered that the New York Times, the paper that she worked for as Features Editor and had been her home for the past two years after finishing her work on the Obama campaign trail, had just been bought out by Huntzberger Media. The company had been newly relaunched with a stronger focus on digital by the one and only Logan Huntzberger. The sudden news that Logan was essentially going to be her new boss had hit her like a freight train. She had tried everything she could to get out attending the gala tonight but she had been told by her manager Ed in no uncertain terms, that as a key member of staff at the paper she had to be in attendance. So here she was, doing her duty, sipping martinis, counting down the minutes until she could get out of there and hoping that the night was as uneventful as possible.


Logan had of course seen her name on the guest list and he had wondered if she would actually show up. When his father had called him and told him that he would be overseeing the new purchase of the New York Times and the digitization plan, Logan had very nearly refused, knowing full well that his ex-girlfriend worked there and was doing her best to move herself up the ranks. He really wasn't sure if he could take working alongside her day in, day out. Sure, they had bumped into each other a few times since her graduation, mainly at stiff society events where there was no opportunity for anything other than basic pleasantries, but it had been stilted and awkward and Logan couldn't imagine what it would be like to endure that on a daily basis.

When Rory had said no to getting married, Logan had walked away, not prepared to enter into any kind of long distance relationship while he would be working in California. It had therefore been quite a bitter pill to swallow when he had decided only six months later that the west coast really wasn't for him and he came back to work for his father at The Huntzberger Group. It was his drive and passion for technology that saw him take up the role as Vice President and Digital Innovation Manager for the newly-formed Huntzberger Media and since coming back, he had thrown himself into his work, thoroughly enjoying what he had previously referred to as his 'pre-ordained' life. The truth was the newspaper and publishing industry was in his blood however much he had tried to run away from it.

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