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Over the course of the next few weeks, Rory found herself inadvertently spending more time getting ready for work in the mornings, something that didn't go unnoticed by her husband. As she stood deliberating whether she should wear her hair up or down, James walked up behind her and admired the fitted blue dress she was wearing.

"You look nice today," he said as he slipped his arms around her waist.

"Oh, thanks." Rory said distractedly "Can you zip me up?" she turned to her husband so he could pull up the zip on the back that covered the length of her dress.

"Are you going out somewhere?" he asked when he had finished zipping her up

"No" Rory shook her head. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, you just look a bit more dressed up than usual".

The sexual tension between Rory and Logan had grown immensely over the past few weeks. It seemed that she looked forward to going to work more than ever. She even found herself making excuses to go into his office just to see him. She felt like they were playing a dangerous game and on more than one occasion she had felt him practically undressing her with his eyes. Not that she minded one little bit, on the contrary, it made her feel both nervous and excited when she caught him doing it and now she was playing right into it.

"So what's with the outfit?" James pressed on.

"Oh, this?" Rory said as she smoothed it down "I just haven't worn it for ages and the big boss is coming in today so I want to make a good impression" She said as she fixed her diamond stud earrings into place.

It was half a truth. Mitchum was due into the office today but if she were, to be honest with herself he wasn't exactly the Huntzberger she was preening herself for and both her, and her husband knew that.


The first item on her agenda for the day and one of the reasons she had wanted to look extra-good that morning was knowing that her first appointment of the day was with Logan, who had called a meeting with some of the editors for a brainstorming session.

Rory made her way to the boardroom where their meeting was due to be held. As she walked into the room Logan came up behind her.

He leaned in close to her. "Nice outfit, but you know you don't have to dress up for me?" he whispered in her ear. Logan had been following her down the corridor and had been blown away by how she looked. She always managed to stop him in his tracks but today she looked incredible with her form-fitting dress showing off ever curve, her hair in soft curls down around her shoulders, the way he always liked it.

Rory didn't turn to look at him. "Don't flatter yourself Huntzberger," she smiled, secretly pleased that the dress had the desired effect. She knew she was playing with fire, but nobody was getting hurt, but it was just a bit of fun, right?

Logan was leading the session and as much as Rory tried to fight it and concentrate on the task at hand, she just couldn't take her eyes off him. She enjoyed watching him and his whole attitude was a huge turn on for her. Although they had been together when he first started out in his career, she had never witnessed him at work and seeing him in action was something to behold, he just oozed confidence.

In turn, Logan couldn't stop watching Rory and the way she bent over the table to help with the mind maps or the way she sashayed her way down the room to get coffee. She was captivating and his mind kept travelling off to far off places where all he wanted to do was pull down the zip on that dress and discover what was underneath.

Despite all the distractions, the session was really quite productive and Rory, having initially been dreading having to work in close proximity to Logan found herself really enjoying it. They were getting on really well with each other and had slipped into an easy routine of banter and teasing, and it felt a little like old times. As the meeting came to a close, Rory collected up all of her belongings and began to head out of the room but as she did she accidentally tripped on the back leg of a chair.

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