A New Dawn

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Logan stood in front of the full-length mirror, getting himself ready for work while Rory lay in the bed watching him. She hadn't really realized how much she had missed this – this relaxed kind of morning that they had spent together at their Manhattan apartment.

"When are you planning to go back to New York?" Logan asked as he fixed his tie into place.

"Later today," she said sadly "It' just a flying visit I am afraid. I really have to get back to work and the jet is still here so..."

"Really? So soon?" Logan frowned "Have you've at least got time for a lunch date before you go?" he asked hopefully.

"Sure," she said letting out a yawn. "That would be a nice"

"Still tired?" he looked at her with concern. He might have only found out less than twelve hours ago that he was going to be a father but he was already feeling massively protective. He knew that the travelling plus the hormones were going to take their toll on her and he was worried about this.

"A little" she admitted.

"Just stay in bed Ace, get yourself few more hours sleep. It was a pretty late night and don't forget, you're growing a whole other person now" he smiled warmly as he leaned in to kiss her goodbye. "I'll send a car to collect you at 1 pm"

Rory lay back in the bed after Logan left and thought over the night before. She couldn't have been happier about how everything had gone, it all seemed to be coming back together again and she was so glad that she had decided to take a leap of faith and hop on that plane to Seattle. It was absolutely what she had needed to do.

Logan walked the short distance to work, his mind completely consumed by Rory. It was still sinking in that they were going to have a baby. His whole life had changed in the moment that she had uttered those words and he knew that nothing else mattered from that point forward.


Rory fell back to sleep relatively easily. Logan's hotel bed was certainly very comfortable, so comfortable that she found it difficult to drag herself out of there when it was time to get herself up. She showered and got herself ready to go and meet Logan. Right on time, the car arrived downstairs and whisked her off to a restaurant just around the corner from the Seattle Times where Logan was already waiting for her.

"Did you manage some more sleep?" he asked as she took a seat at the table.

"I did, I really needed that."

"I've already ordered for us," Logan said and Rory smiled at him. While many people would no doubt be more than irritated by someone else ordering their food for them, Logan was actually very good at it and he knew exactly what Rory liked. It was just one of their little foibles that she happened to love.

"So you're really okay about all of this? Being pregnant?" Logan asked as he sat back and drank from his glass of water.

"Well, I'm not going to lie to you, it's was a bit of a shock, to be honest, and it's not exactly like I would have planned for it to happen..." she paused "and I guess..."

"Yes?" Logan looked at her expectantly wondering what she wanted to say.

"I guess, I would have liked us to have at least been married before a baby came along, I mean it's not like it's the end of the world, it just would have been nice" she smiled a little.

"Then what's stopping us Ace – there's still plenty of time," Logan said.

"What?" Rory looked at him.

"We could always elope?" he said with a smile.

Rory raised an eyebrow. "Our families would kill us."

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