Happy Families

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Wrapped in conversation and a little bubble of happiness about moving in together, Rory and Logan easily lost track of time and before they knew it, Frank had brought the car around to collect them and take them both to the office. Rory was freshly showered and made up, wearing a fitted black sleeveless dress and heels. She settled into the back of the car next to Logan and looked over at him with a smile, feeling happier than she had done in years.

Everything finally felt like it was coming together for them and she was excited about their future together. A couple of months ago Rory would never have imagined that she would have had any kind of future with Logan and yet here there were, talking about living together once again.

Logan felt like he was walking on cloud nine. When he had bumped into Rory at the gala, the most he had hoped for was that they might be able to have a civil conversation and perhaps even become friends one day. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever imagine that they would be back at this point – and so soon. He had no worries though, it was everything he ever wanted, and it felt right.

When they arrived at the office, they went their separate ways and set about their work in the usual way – Rory discussing articles with the features team and Logan spending most of the morning tucked away in meeting after meeting. As it approached lunchtime, Rory decided to pop upstairs to Logan's office to see him, she still buzzing after their conversation that morning.

"Knock knock," she said as she poked her head around the door. "Are you busy?"

"Hey, come in," he said closing down his laptop. "To what do I owe the honor?"

"Just taking a break over lunch and thought I'd stop by," Rory said. "I wanted to talk to you actually..."

"Oh?" Logan said.

"Yeah...If you were really serious this morning, about us living together, then I'm going to call the agency this afternoon and see about subletting my apartment." Rory said, unsure of why she felt a bit nervous. Although he gave her no reason to think anything negative, as the morning had gone on she'd felt that maybe Logan would cool off and change his mind and she was apprehensive to bring it up.

"Of course I am serious. There's nothing I want more." He smiled at her.

"Great" she smiled and relaxed. "Our families are going to freak out you know."

"Have you made up with your mom yet?" Logan asked. He knew that Rory hated it when things were bad with her mom, she always had, yet they were always both far too stubborn to back down.

Rory shook her head "Things are still weird there. Perhaps I'll go see her and tell her the news in person. That should make for a fun evening" She rolled her eyes.

"Can't hurt?"

"Hmm, well, we'll see. I had better get back to work anyhow, loads to do." She said as she walked away.

"Hey," Logan said as he walked up to her pulled her back closer to him "No goodbye kiss? What's the matter? Scared the boss might find out?" he said as he kissed her.

"I'll see you later," she said as she smiled and backed out of the room.

Logan sat back in his chair and watched Rory leave. He was always taken by how incredibly great she looked but she looked particularly hot that day and the knowledge that only a few short hours ago they had been busy enjoying each other's bodies, turned him on no end. His mind drifted back to the recent fun that they'd had in that office, right there on his desk, and their early activities that morning. Now she had agreed to move in with him, he was looking forward to starting the day that way more often.

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