Bottled Up

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After her close encounter with Logan, Rory decided that she really needed to try and stop the flirting that seemed to come so easily, and she tried hard to keep things to as professional as possible. This was made somewhat easier by the fact that Mitchum had been spending more time at the offices and with all the changes that were coming in, her work life was increasingly busy. A few uneventful weeks passed by with Rory and Logan talking when necessary but generally keeping their conversations to work-related subjects.

When he had called her Ace, it had surprised them both and been somewhat of a wake-up call. Nobody in the office, other than Kate, knew anything about their past, although there had been a few whispers as to the nature of their relationship as quite a few people had started to suspect that actually Rory and Logan knew each other a little better than they were letting on. Logan knew that there had been something brewing between them but was slightly relieved that the flirting had cooled off a little, mainly because he didn't trust himself not to push it further He had to keep reminding himself that Rory was married now, she belonged to someone else, however much he hated it.

For Rory, things with James had become quite tense and she felt like perhaps they were on a downward spiral. James was starting to believe that Rory was harboring feelings for Logan and he was becoming more and more insecure about their working together. He just had a strong feeling that he wasn't party to the whole truth about Rory and Logan. Rory hardly mentioned him at all when talking about work and to him that spoke volumes. Unfortunately, James was also heaping pressure on her about getting pregnant, even though they hadn't really been trying that long. Rory didn't really understand his sudden determination and urgency when it came to having a baby but the pressure was starting to get to her.


"Hey Rory, some of us are going out for a drink in a minute, you up for it?" Kate asked when she stopped by Rory's office.

"Erm, not sure. James had mentioned meeting for dinner before his performance tonight but it wasn't set in stone, I'll give him a call and find out what his plans are" she said as she pulled her cell phone out to call him.

"Hey Rory," James said as he answered the call. He always called her Rory and she often wondered why he'd never had a nickname or other term of endearment for her.

"Oh, hey. I was just wondering if we were still planning on meeting up later or not?" she asked casually.

"Ah I wanted to but one of the cast has called in sick which means the understudy has to come on and I need to go through a few scenes with him. Raincheck?" James asked.

"Yeah sure, that's fine. I've actually been asked out for drinks with some of the team here, so I'll probably go along and do that if you're busy."

"Who is going?" James asked. Rory noticed the sudden change in his tone.

"Oh I don't know, Kate will be there, a few other guys from floor I guess..." Rory wasn't being purposely obtuse, she really didn't know.


"Maybe, I don't know," she said wondering why James was singling him out. "Probably not, I doubt the boss wants to come and fraternize with his minions" Rory tried to make a joke to lighten the mood which had suddenly got heavier.

"Will you be out late, I could come and meet you when I'm done?"

"No, you don't need to do that" Rory said sharply. James had never felt the need to meet her before when she was out with her colleagues, and it suddenly felt like he was checking up on her and she didn't like it one little bit.

"Fine. Well don't drink too much, we're meant to be trying for a baby, it's not going to help if you come in rolling drunk" James snapped at her.

Rory sighed. "You are impossible when you're like this, what is your problem?"

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