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When Monday morning rolled around, Rory got up early and made sure that she was in her office long before anyone else was there. This was mainly because she didn't want to draw too much attention to herself as she wasn't sure she was ready to face Logan. It wasn't that she necessarily wanted to avoid him – the time they had spent together on Friday night was every bit as good as she had thought it would have been – but that was part of the problem. It had been so good Rory couldn't see how she was going to stop herself wanting more.

She closed the door and tried to keep her head down, busying herself with editing various news articles, avoiding everyone as much as was humanly possible without erring on the side of rude. Halfway through the morning, there was a light tap at her door and she looked up, slightly relieved to see that it was Kate leaning against the doorframe.

"So, what happened to you the other night?" Kate asked her friend.

Rory gestured at her to come in and shut the door. Kate closed the door and sat on the spare chair by Rory's desk.


"I think you probably know what happened the other night unless you really want me to spell it out," Rory said chewing her lip.

"Oh my God, really? You went home with him?" Kate gasped. She'd half-expected it but was still quite surprised to hear it from the horse's mouth. It was very un-Rory.

Rory nodded at her. "It's not my proudest moment, I'll admit"

"Hey, there's no judgement here honey," Kate said as she put her hands up in defense.

"Well, there should be! I'm judging you for not judging me. God, how could I be so stupid? I mean, fuck, I am married Kate and I slept with my ex-boyfriend" she groaned.

"He's also your boss" Kate added helpfully.

"Yeah, thanks for the reminder" Rory groaned.

"So what now? Have you spoken to him since?" Kate asked.

Rory shook her head "No, not yet, but I guess it's only a matter of time. There's nothing to say though really, it shouldn't have happened but Logan...he just seems to stop being able to form any rational thoughts. Poor James, he doesn't deserve to be treated like this – he's been suspicious and accusing me of stuff for ages and now I have just gone and proven him right. I don't know what to do. I've got to tell him, right?"

Kate shook her head "Actually Rory, I'm not so sure, I mean what would it achieve? He doesn't need to know, it's just going to hurt him."

Rory sighed. "Maybe you're right." She didn't like the idea of lying to James, again, but it if she told him about Logan it could be the end of her marriage and she didn't really want that, did she? This was just a blip.

"And it was just a one-time thing right?" Kate asked.

Rory nodded "Absolutely" but even as she said the words she knew she was convincing no one, least of all herself.

"Then, yes just keep it to yourself." Kate nodded. "Anyhow, enough of that, there are far more important things to be discussing right now - how was it?"

"How was what?" Rory asked.

"Don't play innocent with me missy. Sex with the boss. Please please please tell me it was good as I would imagine because he looks like he could show a girl a good time if you know what I mean." Kate begged for details.

"I most certainly do know what you mean and, oh, believe me, he definitely can. It was pretty incredible." Rory smiled.


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