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Rory had some really mixed feelings brewing inside of her for the rest of the day. There was this massive feeling of relief that her divorce had now been granted and that she was now a free woman. She knew she would be forever indebted to Colin for getting it pushed through so quickly and smoothly – but she also felt a little sadness at the situation. They'd had some nice times together and it wasn't that she didn't love him at all, she just didn't love him in the way she had always loved Logan. Then, on the other hand, there was the fact that she was feeling more than a little excited about the future again – she felt like she had inadvertently been keeping Logan at arm's length for a while now but it was really only because she wanted to tidy up one relationship before entering into another. Now that barrier had been removed, she felt ready to move forward.

When Rory got home from work that day, she found Logan waiting outside her apartment for her.

"Oh, hey! Have you been waiting here long?" Rory said trying to balance her coffee while searching in her bag for her keys.

"Not too long, I didn't think there was much point going all the way home to just come back again later," Logan said as he took the coffee cup out of her hands.

"Thanks. I really should give you a key, then you could let yourself in" Rory said.

"Or, I have an even better idea...maybe you should just come live with me and you could have a key to MY place." he said as he dragged her closer to him and kissed her gently on the lips.

"Nice try." she winked as she unlocked the door and they walked into her apartment. She dropped her bags on the floor next to the door.

"So it all went okay in court today then? What made you change your mind about contesting in the end?" Logan asked. He'd been a bit surprised to hear that she had made a U-turn at the last minute but happy for her nonetheless.

"You can thank James's smug lawyer for that. He basically said that I wouldn't get anywhere near what I wanted because it was all my fault and I really just wanted to wipe the smile right off his face. Which I did. Well Colin did, he was excellent." Rory said proudly.

"Well, I am very proud of you Ace. How about I take you out for a slap-up dinner tonight? I know it's probably been a hard day for you and we can toast your newfound freedom. I'll even get the good champagne" He winked.

"Ooh, the good champagne? Now I am tempted...." Rory laughed "But sorry, I can't, I've already made plans – I'm going out tonight to enjoy my first night as a single lady." She smiled.

"Oh really?" Logan said just slightly disappointed. He had really hoped that they could spend the evening together but he wasn't about to stop her going out having fun at the end of a rubbish day.

"Really!" she nodded.

"I hate to be the one to break it to you Ace, but you do realize that you're not actually all that single don't you?" Logan raised an eyebrow.

"Well," Rory said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, "I think that issue is definitely up for debate Huntzberger. Do you want to take it before the Judge because I am a pro now? As far as we've discussed, right now, we're just dating..." she winked "Just fun remember."

Logan hadn't wanted to push Rory into a relationship in the midst of a messy divorce, so he had taken a step back and not pressed the issue at all. In fact, Colin had actually advised against them starting up a full-blown relationship, in case it could be used against her in the divorce as proof of her adultery or lack of commitment to her marriage. They'd been 'dating' for months on a casual basis, without putting a name on it, although for all intents and purposes, they were a couple. Anyone with eyes could see that, and rather more telling was the fact that neither of them had dated anyone else during that time.

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