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After the euphoria of the wedding and the honeymoon, of which Rory and Logan had certainly made sure to enjoy every moment, unfortunately, it was back to the reality of day-to-day life and back to work. Rory, ever the enthusiastic hard worker, was keen to put in as much time as she could before she had to leave to have the babies and so she threw herself into her work as much as possible over the next few months.

Even though as an overprotective father-to-be Logan would have preferred her to take a step back from her workload, he was never actually going to straight out ask her to do that. He trusted that she was fully aware of her own limits and hoped that as they edged nearer to the birth of their twins that she would try and take less on.

Logan had managed to avoid taking any lengthy business trips as he'd made it crystal clear to his father that he wanted to be around for Rory at all times. Mitchum had surprisingly accepted that was to be the situation for now though they both knew that it would be inevitable at some point. Rory and Logan had settled into a nice routine of meeting up for lunch and going for a stroll in Bryant Park just so they could get out of the office and get some fresh air. One such sunny afternoon they were walking through the park hand in hand when Rory suddenly stopped in her tracks as she saw a face she recognized walking in their direction.

"Oh, shit," Rory said as she squeezed Logan's hand tightly.

"What's the matter Ace?" he said turning to look at her, slightly concerned.

"There's James" she whispered as she saw her ex-husband walking towards her.

"Rory," James said as he saw her standing with Logan.

Logan looked at Rory. "I'll just go and get us some coffee," he said as he gestured over towards a nearby coffee kiosk.

"Thanks, Logan" she smiled at him gratefully, knowing that he was being diplomatic and making himself scarce to try and make this meeting a little easier on her.

"Hi, James," Rory said nervously, offering a small smile. The last time they had seen each other was in court and it felt extremely awkward to be standing in front of him right now.

"So, how have you been?" James said.

"Erm, good" she nodded. "What about you? How is Tamara...and the baby?" she asked.

James shifted uncomfortably at the mention of the woman he had cheated on his wife with and the baby that had been conceived behind her back. "Oh well, we're not together...I mean we never really were you know that. The baby was a girl, Amber" he said.

"Oh, a girl, that's nice" Rory smiled.

"Yeah, it's kind of complicated, I really only see her once a week but..." James trailed off.

"Oh, I see," Rory said, not entirely sure what was the right thing to say in this situation. Luckily James must have sensed her awkwardness and quickly changed the conversation.

"I saw your wedding photos in the newspaper a month or two ago, you looked really good." James smiled. It had been pretty strange for him to see the woman who used to be his wife marrying somebody else. "It was pretty quick though..."

Rory bit her lip. "Yeah, I guess it was a little quick, I suppose a bit quicker than we had intended but well, as you might see, I'm pregnant" she gestured down to her tummy which had definitely popped out considerably in the past few weeks. There was definitely no hiding it now as she was so much further along in her pregnancy.

James had of course noticed, you would have had to have been blind not to, but he really hadn't wanted to be the one to say anything about it first. "Wow."

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