Que Sera, Sera

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"What?!" Kate looked at Rory with wide eyes. "I mean, really? I take it this was not exactly planned? Have you had any other symptoms?"

Rory shook her head "No, it was definitely not planned." She thought back. She had come off the pill a few months ago but they had been pretty careful, she was sure of it. "I've been feeling a little bit off-color recently and things have been tasting weird and I'm so so tired but I just dismissed it...but it all kind of adds up I guess."

"I didn't think you'd even seen Logan in weeks – let alone find time to have sex. When was your last period?" Kate cocked her head as she looked at her friend.

"I'm not entirely sure, about six or seven weeks ago I think" Rory wrinkled her nose. "I've always been slightly irregular so I just put it down to that and feeling a bit stressed recently." She said as she leaned back against the counter in the bathroom. "Oh God, what a time to get knocked up, we're barely even talking at the moment and yesterday I told Logan that I didn't think it was working..." she trailed off.

"You said what?!" Kate exclaimed. "Rory!"

"Well, it's not! Ugh, what a mess" Rory said holding her head in her hands.

"Okay, don't panic. You know what we need to do don't you?" Kate smiled at her "First before you head into a tailspin, you need to do a test to confirm either way."

"Yeah, you're right. I mean, I might not even be pregnant right?" Rory said. "Come on, let's go back out there. Just...please don't let on to Jess yet. I just want to keep it quiet until I know for sure and God, if Logan ever found out that Jess knew before him..." she shook head.

"Mom's the word" Kate winked as they exited the bathroom.


Logan sat back at his desk at the Seattle Times. He hadn't yet spoken to Rory as first he wanted to talk to his dad. Hearing Rory say that things weren't working between them had been a little bit of a shock to the system. Sure, he wasn't stupid, things were strained at the moment and they'd hardly spent any time together over the past few weeks but he hadn't expected her to be prepared to give up on them so easily. He knew that, at the end of the day, the only person who could put this all straight was him. He picked up the phone to call his father.

"Mitchum Huntzberger," the gruff voice said when the call was answered.

"Dad...it's me."

"Logan, how are you son."

"Good. Well, no, not good" Logan paused.

"Oh? Anything I can help with?" Mitchem asked.

This was a first Logan thought. Mitchum Huntzberger offering to help his son? "Well, yes, there is Dad. I need to get back to New York now. Things with Rory are..." he paused, not entirely sure what things with Rory were or how to express that to his father.

"I understand," Mitchum said firmly.

"You do?" Logan said in surprise.

"Logan, I am not are cold and heartless as you would like to make out" Mitchum laughed. "You've done an excellent job in Seattle, but I agree, it's time to come back. Plus your mother won't stop rattling on about this wedding."

"Mom is? I thought she'd be doing everything to avoid discussing that?" Logan rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you know your mother Logan. She may not approve but she has a rep to protect..." Mitchum laughed.

"Well tell her to hold those horses," Logan said, "Because as it stands I'm not sure there will be a wedding".

"Don't be ridiculous Logan. That girl loves you, anyone can see that she'd have to love you to put up with half of your bullshit" he laughed. "With hindsight, I guess we could have transferred Rory out there with you, something to think about in the future maybe."

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