Used To Be Mine

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Rory sat across in complete silence from her husband. They had decided to go out for an early dinner before he had to go on stage and Rory, as the dutiful wife, was going along to watch his new show for the first time that night. Recently it had felt like they had been living separate lives. James hadn't asked her where she had stayed the night she went back to Kate's house, and she was surprised. She had felt sure she would have been given the Spanish acquisition on her return but he asked nothing, so she had offered up the information, as she had nothing to hide. Rory told him that she had left her keys at work and couldn't get in to the apartment. She'd been surprised to find that he wasn't at home but he'd apparently gone out with the cast after the show as she hadn't wanted him to meet her. Rory looked across the table at her husband and wondered where it had all gone wrong for them. Was it all her fault? She guessed so. They'd been pretty happy until her past had caught up with her. James was so angry with her these days and she felt sad a lot of the time. This wasn't how life was meant to be. This wasn't how HER life was meant to be.

She knew that what she was going to say to him next was only going to make things worse but it had been on her mind for a little while and she needed to get it out.

"James, I need to talk to you," Rory said as she put her cutlery down and looked at him across the table.

He looked up at her and waited for her to speak.

"I think that we should stop trying for a baby. Just for a little while", she said, waiting for his reaction.

James put down his knife and fork. "Why?" he asked, his face stone cold. Rory couldn't really tell what he was thinking.

"Things are changing at work right now, it's not the right time for me to step out," Rory said.

James didn't respond and for a moment you could cut the atmosphere with a knife before James started talking again. "Why didn't you tell me about Logan?"

Rory looked at him puzzled. "What do you mean? I don't understand why you are bringing this up now? But I did tell you. I told you that dated."

"Ha. No, you didn't, you told me that you dated a bit. A bit kind of says that it was a casual thing, you know maybe once or twice but it wasn't like that was it Rory? You didn't tell me that you dated for almost three years and that you lived together."

Rory closed her eyes. She knew that she should have told him the truth before now, she should have known that it would come and bite her in the behind. "How did you..."

"It doesn't matter how I know, what matters to me is that my wife is a lying bitch," James said through gritted teeth.

"James!" He had never spoken to her like that before and Rory was shocked. "Who told you?"

"Your mother" he snapped at her as he took a swig from his drink.

Rory cursed under her breath. Lorelai and her big mouth.

"Why did you break up?" he asked.

"What?" This was not something Rory wanted to drag up ever, it was always painful and it wasn't going to be any more pleasant sitting across from her husband in a crowded restaurant.

"Your mom wouldn't tell me and I want to know, I think I deserve the truth. How did it end between you two."

Rory looked down at the table. "Logan proposed to me and I said I wasn't ready"

"You what?! You mean it was that serious that you were almost engaged and you never told me!" he said standing up from the table.

"It didn't seem important," Rory said pleading with James to sit back down, people were starting to stare.

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