Lights Out

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The next morning Rory headed down to breakfast in the hotel restaurant where the other members of the team were waiting for her. As she approached the table, her eyes met Logan's and she smiled at him as she sat down at the table, determined there would be no weirdness after their drunken night before even though she felt a little bit self-conscious.

"We're just about to order – what will it be?" Mike asked her as he passed her a menu.

"Oh, I'll just have some pancakes, eggs and sausage. Oh and some bacon. Where's the coffee?" Rory asked as she looked around for the waitress.

Logan chuckled to himself. Some things would never change. Rory had always been the queen of hangover breakfasts; she had the constitution of an ox.

"You're really going to eat all that?" Nick asked incredulously.

"Ah you've seen nothing, I happen to know that Rory could pack double that amount away when we were at college. Especially with a hangover."

"I don't know how you could eat all that with a hangover," Mike said, "My stomach wouldn't take it."

"Amateur" Rory laughed "A proper hangover breakfast would include a beef burrito and a handful of tacos but I doubt they offer that here..."

After breakfast, they headed to the Chicago Sun Times where they received a warm welcome. As it turned out, Logan and Rory didn't actually see a lot of each other of the following days as she spent most of her time in the office going over things with the features editor for the newspaper, while Logan was busy working at board level. When the guys said they were going out later that night Rory politely declined to join them and on the final night, she excused herself by saying she was feeling a little tired and was going to have an early night. She didn't want to seem like she was being boring or anti-social but she was beginning to not trust herself around Logan and thought it better, or safer as Logan had said, to avoid putting herself in that position at the moment.

The group left early on the Friday morning to head back to New York on the jet and Rory sat around talking with the other guys.

"So, you two have known each other for quite a long time I've heard?" Nick asked.

Rory paused wondering exactly what Nick had heard and who he had heard it from. "Yeah, I guess for about eight years now, we were at Yale at the same time, we both worked on the newspaper there."

"The first day I met Rory she called me Judi Dench." Logan laughed.

"Ouch" laughed Mike.

"That isn't quite true Logan, I think you're remembering it wrong. The first day we met was by the coffee cart when you insulted my friend." Rory smiled.

"Ah, Marty. Poor Marty, he was into you so bad and you shoved him straight into the friend-zone".

Rory rolled her eyes at Logan.

"Anyhow Judi wasn't the worst name she gave me. I seem to recall the words 'buttfaced miscreant' being thrown around at one point."

"Now there's a term you don't hear every day" Nick laughed.

"It was well deserved," Rory said as she pouted at Logan "and don't forget I think I said you were also arrogant and inconsiderate" she added before turning to Nick and Mike. "Logan and his friends totally ruined a whole class for me with some crazy skit where they declared their love for me in front of everyone including the professor."

"What can I say, you were very loveable" he winked and Rory felt a blush creep up her body.

Mike and Nick exchanged a glance, both of them thinking that there was definitely more to these two than they had originally thought.

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