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Rory followed Logan to the bar where their colleagues had already gathered for after work drinks. She was relieved to see that Kate was there so she went straight over to talk to her.

"Hey, Rory! How was Chicago?" Kate said with a wink.

"Chicago was fine." Rory smiled.

"Just fine?"

"It was work, what more do you want me to say?" Rory asked questioningly.

"Just wondered how it was being cooped up with our illustrious leader for three days that's all..." Kate teased.

"We didn't really see a lot of each other" Rory shrugged and looked over to where Logan was currently standing with his back to her. "Come on I need a drink," she said as she dragged Kate over to the bar and ordered them some cocktails. As soon as the first margarita arrived she knocked it straight back.

"Whoa girl!"

"Sorry, it's just been one of those weeks. I'll have another please" Rory said to the bartender.

Kate looked at her. "I thought you said Chicago was okay?"

"Oh, it was but James is being a total ass."

"Surprise surprise" Kate rolled her eyes. She'd never been overly fond of Rory's husband. He'd always struck her as being a little too overbearing and Rory acted so differently when he was around. "What's his beef?"

"What do you think? He had a total freak out this week about me going on that trip with Logan and now he is completely AWOL, but if he thinks I'm going to sit around and wait for him to show up, he's got another thing coming." Rory ranted.

"I'll drink to that" Kate said as she clinked her glass against Rory's.

As it the night got later, most of their colleagues had drifted away and gone home but Kate and Rory, by now a few margaritas down, wanted to stay and hit the dance floor. Rory thought about how good it felt to completely lose herself in the music for once and just shake it all off.

Logan watched her discretely from the other side of the room. She looked beautiful, and happy and relaxed. She'd seemed so tense recently and he knew from what she had said that things were far from perfect for her at home. As the music changed to a slower track, he decided to seize the moment and headed over towards her.

"Care to dance?" he asked Rory holding out his hand to her.

"Oh..I..I'm not..." she stumbled over her words but she felt a little nudge in her back from her friend. She looked over her shoulder and shot Kate a look.

"It's just a dance" Kate whispered back to her.

"She's right Ace, it's just a dance," Logan said with a smile as she took his hand and he led her back onto the dancefloor.

Before too long Rory found herself pressed right up against Logan. His arm was hooked around her neck, and hers was wrapped around his back, her head resting against his shoulder. All kinds of crazy thoughts were running through her head. It was almost 1:00 am and here she was, slow dancing with her ex-boyfriend, trying hard to keep her focus, but damn he smelled so good, it was so distracting. She breathed deeply trying to retain her composure.

Logan thought about how good it felt to be finally holding Rory like that again, how amazing it felt to have her body so close to his. He knew that he shouldn't be thinking like that, she belonged to someone else.

Stay tonight

Don't come morning, don't come light

They may be lies, say it, say that we'll be alright

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