About Time

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"You nervous?'' Logan asked as he watched Rory fidgeting.

"Yeah," Rory said as she smoothed her black shift dress down "Do I look okay? I'm not sure how someone should dress when they're about to get divorced."

"You look fine, the perfect divorcee. Is Colin meeting you there?" Logan said as he straightened his tie.

"Yeah" Rory looked at her reflection in the mirror and took a deep breath. She just wished she could fast-forward to the end of the day and skip past the messy divorce part. It had been on her mind a lot recently and all she really wanted to do now was move on. She wanted to be able to fully commit to a relationship with Logan and finally put an end to all the questions but the divorce had been the milestone she needed to reach to enable her to do that. Rory wanted to be completely free.

"Good. Right I am sorry but I've got to get off, I have to be in Philadelphia by 12. Call me when you get out?" Logan said as he kissed her on the cheek.

After Logan had filled him in on the situation, Colin had tried to talk to Rory about contesting the grounds of her divorce but she maintained that was not the route she wanted to go down. She was slightly annoyed that Logan had gone behind her back and spoke to his friend about her but underneath it all, she knew that he meant well, his heart was in the right place but she just didn't want to drag anything out more than she had to. Regardless of the fact that Rory wasn't contesting, they had still found themselves having to go to court to agree on how to divide their property. Rory had really hoped that they could have avoided involving lawyers but James wanted to stay in the property and was not willing to offer Rory what she thought was fair so on Colin's advice, they were taking it in front of the Judge.

Rory and James were required to attend court and would be given the opportunity to present evidence in front of the judge before a final ruling was made on the case. She was really glad to have a friend like Colin by her side and she was also massively relieved that whatever happened today in court it was likely that their divorce would be granted that day and this whole chapter of her life would be over. She was so ready to start the next one.

Colin and Rory were just waiting outside the courtroom having a coffee, killing some time before they had to go in when James arrived with this lawyer and headed over to talk to them.

"You know McCrea we could have just had this over and done with by now if your client had just agreed to the deal we set out, which was very generous I might add considering the circumstances."

Colin laughed "That deal was an insult to my client."

James's lawyer shook his head. "She's not going to win this. She's at fault, it's all there in black and white, the judge will rule in my client's favor and you know it. Could have saved everybody a lot of time and money."

Colin grimaced. He did know that there was a high probability that given the accusation of adultery, the Judge would rule in James's favor. As James and his lawyer walked away, Rory noticed the look on Colin's face and pulled him over to one side.

"Colin, is it too late?" she said quietly.

"Too late for what Rory?" Colin looked at her questioningly.

"Too late to contest the divorce?" Rory wanted to wipe the smug look off that lawyers face.

Colin smiled. "It's never too late," he said pulling out his notes.


All parties took their place in the courtroom and made their introductions. As James had filed for the divorce he was presented first.

"Your honor, my name is Nick Roberts and I am here representing my client Mr James Attwood. Mr Attwood filed this suit for divorce from his spouse Lorelai Attwood and asks for the divorce on the basis that his wife has been adulterous. He would like it to also be noted that an attempt at reconciliation on his part was made. My client and his wife do not have any children together."

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