Indecent Proposal

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A few weeks later Logan found himself sitting in front of Mitchum in the boardroom at the New York Times offices. He wasn't particularly happy at being there so early on a Monday morning but he had been called into an early meeting where his father had told him he needed to discuss an urgent matter with him. Logan always dreaded these kinds of meetings as they never seemed to end well for him and unfortunately it transpired that this meeting didn't seem to be the one that was going to buck the trend.

"Seattle?! For how long?" Logan looked at his father incredulously trying to make sense of the huge curveball that had just been slung his way.

Mitchum had just dropped the massive bombshell that he needed Logan to go and head up the team at The Seattle Times, which, like many similar print publications, was suffering from a huge decline in readership. Mitchum had been impressed with the work he had carried out in Chicago and New York and though he would never have believed it a couple of years ago, Logan was a safe pair of hands that he knew he could trust and rely on to turn the business around.

"Three to four months maybe" Mitchum shrugged. "Six months maximum I would have thought," Mitchum said as he rubbed his chin with his hand.

Logan shook his head. "What? There's no way I can do that Dad."

Mitchum looked at his son. "Rory?"

"I can't just up and leave her. You know that Rory has literally just moved into my apartment..." Logan sighed.

When he had arrived at the office this morning he had never anticipated that things in his life were about to change so significantly but he had once heard it said that it was a truth universally acknowledged that when one part of your life starts going okay, another falls spectacularly to pieces. Never had that been truer. It felt like he and Rory were finally getting to a really good place and now this?

"Yes, I do know that, but Rory also knows how this industry works Logan and this comes down to a business need. You're supportive of her career, I am sure she will be just as supportive of yours." Mitchum said picking up his coffee.

"There's nobody else that can go?" Logan asked.

"I'm sorry Logan, I've considered all the options but there's no way around this. I need you to go out there and oversee the changes that are required. We don't do this, then the publication will fold." Mitchum said. "Rory will understand I'm sure."

Logan dragged his hand through his hair and groaned. He pushed his chair back and walked out of the boardroom and bumped straight into Rory.

"Ooh, careful," she said with a smile which she quickly dropped when she saw the look on Logan's face. "What's the matter?" she asked with concern. When Logan had left this morning he had been extremely perky so she was surprised to see this sudden change in him.

"Nothing" Logan shook his head. "I've got to go..." he said as he started walking away in the opposite direction.

"Hey! Logan!?" she said as she grabbed hold of his arm and shot him a puzzled look.

He sighed and forced a smile. "I'm sorry Rory, bad meeting. I'll talk to you at home okay? I might be late back, I'm going to be stuck in meetings all day." He leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on her cheek.

Rory watched him walk away and wondered what was going on. For starters, he had called her Rory, which he rarely did unless he was being super serious, and secondly, it really wasn't like Logan to close down on her or speak to her like that. She paused in the corridor for a moment. She really wanted to go after him but he had made it clear that he didn't want to talk so she figured she'd leave it until they were at home later that night. She turned around and went back to her office.

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