Moving On Up

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For the rest of the week, Rory kept her head down and completely busied herself with catching up with her work. She was just coming off a conference call late on Friday afternoon when she was disturbed by some sort of commotion outside her office door. Wondering what all the fuss was about, she stood up to see what was going on and as she reached her doorway she could hear, Stacey, the girl from reception shouting 'Stop!' Rory stuck her head out of the door to see James walking towards her office and Stacey chasing after him.

"Sorry Ms Attwood I couldn't stop him. Shall I call security?" she asked out of breath.

"No, it's fine" Rory waved her off. "James, what are you doing here?" she said as she walked into her office and he followed her. He held out a large brown envelope towards her. "What's that?" she asked not taking it out of his hands.

"This," he said dropping the envelope roughly onto her desk "is our divorce papers. I'm filing on the grounds of your adultery."

Rory closed her eyes tight. Damn living in New York, it being one of the few states in the US that still allowed at fault divorce, meaning that one party could accuse the other of wrongdoing. Rory had spent long enough working in the newspaper to know that this meant two things for her. Firstly, the divorce papers would name the person she had been adulterous with and secondly, the whole sorry situation was going to be dragged through the newspapers, well the ones they couldn't control anyhow.

Outside of her office, people on her floor had stopped what they were doing to listen and observe the domestic that was playing out in front of them.

"Of course, if you think that's not right or inaccurate in any way, you can contest if you want to..." he looked at Rory for any kind of confirmation that he was wrong and that she hadn't cheated on him "...right, I didn't think so. Well I just hope you're happy now, you are free to carry on screwing Huntzberger as much as you like" he said loudly as he walked out of the room and through the newsroom.

Rory's mouth dropped and her colleagues suddenly busied themselves, pretending not to notice what was going on or that they had just been witness to the biggest piece of office gossip on a long time but she knew that they had heard every word.


Rory grabbed the envelope off her desk and marched off through the newsroom, past all the whispering, and took the elevator straight up to the 7th floor where Logan's office was.

"Rory?" Logan looked up as the door to his office burst open. He saw Rory standing by the door clutching the envelope, her face was full of fury. He got up and walked over to her.

"What's the matter? What's that?" he asked.

"I've just had a visit from my husband. These are divorce papers from James..." she said throwing the envelope down on Logan's desk.

Logan looked at her slightly confused. He hadn't really expected James to have taken this step, not so soon anyhow. Rory had told him she had suggested a separation and divorce hadn't been mentioned, yet but he was also wondering why she would be that concerned that he wanted a divorce straightaway.

"...he's going for an at-fault divorce because I cheated on him, with you, so naturally you're named in these..." Rory sighed.

"Do you want to contest it...I can get the lawyers to start looking at it..." Logan asked.

"What's the point? I mean, there's not much to contest is there. I did cheat on him and he knows it." She said and sat down on the sofa. "Oh, and by the way, he just outed that very fact to my entire floor so now my whole team are fully aware that we slept together and my husband is divorcing me for it."

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