Oh! Baby!

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"Hey honey I am home" Logan called as he walked into the apartment and called out for Rory.

"Logan?" Rory squealed as she ran out from the bedroom "Oh my god, you're here! You're back!" she said as she threw herself around him, them quickly becoming a messy tangle of arms and legs.

"And this time I'm back for good," he said dropping his bags and wrapping his arms around Rory instead.

"Oh, you should have told me you were coming back to today. Look at me, I'm a total mess!" Rory said as she smoothed down the casual tank top and yoga pants she was wearing. "I've not even got myself dressed yet" she grumbled.

"You look absolutely perfect to me," Logan said as he kissed her.

"Pfft, whatever" she rolled her eyes. "I'm not falling for that Huntzberger. Oh, I'm so glad you're back, and it's perfect timing as my first doctor's appointment came through for tomorrow and I was worried you wouldn't be here and...oh, you are!" Rory said happily rambling on.

"Happy to see me?" Logan asked with a smirk.

"Always," she said as she snuggled into him.

"You're looking good Ace. How is the sickness treating you?" he asked with a little concern. She'd mentioned a few times on the phone recently that the sickness had been getting worse and he had felt bad that he wasn't there to support her.

"Ugh don't even talk to me about that," she said shaking her head. "I have a very specific type of morning sickness – it doesn't come in the morning at all, in fact, it kind of just shows up at random times of the day which is always fun when you're in an editors meeting or at the grocery store" she groaned.

"Oh dear" Logan grimaced.

"Yes, oh dear indeed" Rory pouted "but who cares about that right now – you're here, you're here, you're here," she said clapping her hands in glee.

"I am. Now, how about I take my gorgeous fiancé out for something to eat? That is after I help her out of these clothes..."

"Logan!" Rory squealed as his cold hands pushed under her tank top, but she melted into his familiar touch as they made their way to the bedroom to do some much needed reconnecting with each other.


The next morning, after a fair amount of Chinese food, a lot of reacquainting themselves with each other's bodies and just a little sleep, Rory and Logan found themselves in the doctor's room waiting to see their baby for the first time. They were both a little nervous but extremely excited too. This was about to make things really real.

"And so, there it is – there is your baby," the doctor said as she turned the screen around so that Logan and Rory could both see for themselves. "Your baby is developing really well and I'd put you at about eleven weeks, does that work with your dates?"

Rory nodded. "Wow," she said, "Look at that Logan" she whispered.

"I know Ace, it's pretty amazing huh," he said as he kissed her on the top of the head.

The truth was that Logan found it a whole lot more than amazing. It was incredible, awe-inspiring, unbelievable and a million other adjectives that were flying through his mind in that moment. He really couldn't get his head around the fact that the little bean on the screen with its flickering heartbeat was actually their baby. It was a tiny part of him and a tiny part of Rory that would connect them forever.

"And there's just the one in there, right?" Rory said to the doctor.

Logan laughed and rolled his eyes at her. She had been completely paranoid recently about multiple births after seeing what Lane had gone through with the twins.

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