Up In The Air

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Rory stood still on the path and watched as Logan's car disappeared far into the distance. She took a long deep breath before she headed back inside her mom's house.

"Everything okay?" Lorelai asked. "Where's Logan?" she said looking slightly puzzled.

"He's gone," Rory said as she walked into the living room and looked towards Jess with a face like thunder.

"Rory, I'm sorry" Jess started to say as he put his hands up in defense. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble..."

"I am SO mad at you right now!" she screamed, "Of course you were causing trouble!"

"The guy was being a jerk!" Jess shouted.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on!" Lorelai shouted louder.

Rory ignoring her mother continued ranting at Jess. "We agreed that what happened was between us and it would stay between us – and for good reason. Look what you've done Jess" she said as she threw her hands up in the air. "He's gone off and I don't know where!"

"Kid, what happened between you..." Lorelai said as she looked from Rory to Jess.

"Nothing," Jess said quickly and firmly.

"Oh it's too late for that!" Rory scoffed "Mom, a few years ago, Jess and I...well we kind of slept together and for some unknown reason Jess just decided that it was a great time to inform Logan of that fact" she said throwing herself down on the sofa.

"You slept with Jess?" Lorelai said in surprise.

"Who slept with Jess?" Luke wandered in to see what the fuss was about.

"Rory did," Lorelai said.

"What?! Jess...." Luke said warningly.

"Do you see Jess? SEE? This is why we didn't tell anyone" Rory rolled her eyes.

"Okay, you really need to calm down a bit Rory" Lorelai said as she tried to assess the situation. "So, Jess told Logan and I'm guessing that Logan had no idea that you...had a history...and is upset about it...where is he now?"

"I have no idea. I wanted to go with him but he wouldn't let me" Rory said sadly.

Lorelai looked at her daughter and shrugged. "Well, in which case there's not a lot more that can be done tonight is there? So why don't we just all calm down a bit and eat dinner? Let's try and forget about this all for now."

"I can't, I need to find Logan..." Rory started to protest.

"We've already established you're not going to be able to do that tonight. He obviously wants to be on his own right now. Just let him be." Lorelai said.


The next morning when Rory awoke, the first thing she did was check her cell phone for messages. She was bitterly disappointed to discover that there was nothing from Logan and she sank back onto the pillows, frustrated to the core. After a few minutes of lying there she decided that she really needed to take matters into her own hands and so she picked up her phone to call him. She was annoyed when it went straight to voicemail but she left him a short message asking him to call her back but it was late afternoon when she finally heard from him.

"Hi," she said eagerly as she picked up the call "Where are you?"

"Hey, I'm in New York," Logan said.

"Okay, well I'll leave soon and..." Rory stopped as Logan interrupted her.

"I'm going to be heading back to Seattle in a few hours."

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