In Fair Verona

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"So are you going to tell me yet? We must almost be there by now?" Rory said impatiently after waking from the long nap she had taken. Logan had sat watching her as she had peacefully slept for a few hours on the journey, exhausted from the activities of the past few days.

"Italy" Logan smiled.

"Italy?" Rory said surprised. She had visited Italy with Logan before and had loved every minute it of it, it had quickly become one of her favorite places in the world. "Where? Rome?"

Logan shook his head.

"Florence," she asked.

"Nope" he laughed.

"Ugh, will you just tell me already! We could be here all day, at least give me a clue." Rory begged.

"Okay, well it's the backdrop to one the most famous love stories in the world..."

"Verona!" Rory squealed "Oh I've always wanted to go to Verona," she said happily.

"I know" Logan smiled. As soon as he'd thought of Verona he knew that it was the right decision – Rory had mentioned many times about her desire to go there.

"Good choice Huntzberger," she said as she snuggled into him excitedly.

"And look, here's a present for you," he said diving into his bag and handing her a guidebook that he had picked up for her.

"Ooh!" she said as she excitedly thumbed through it.

"I know how much you love to plan Ace" he laughed as she got busy marking out the things she wanted to see and do while they were there.

A little while later her sense of anticipation was heightened as their flight winged in over the city, it's picturesque palazzos and piazzas clearly visible from the air.

"I'm so looking forward to just spending a few days together on our own" Rory said as she smiled at Logan and he pulled her in and kissed the top of her head.


The limo pulled up outside their hotel and the hotel staff greeted them, helping them with their luggage. The hotel Logan had selected was right in the heart of Verona, the hustle and bustle of city life just mere steps away. Rory felt a little buzz as Logan checked them in as 'Mr and Mrs Huntzberger', she really loved how it sounded. She'd never got used to being Mrs Attwood but her new married name? It just sounded so unbelievably perfect. They were quickly escorted to their suite, naturally the best they had to offer, with stunning views out over Verona.

As soon as the door to their suite was closed Logan immediately wrapped Rory in his arms and pulled her as close as he could. He started to kiss her gently and then the kisses swiftly became more forceful, their tongues meeting sensuously. Her whole body, though completely tired and worn out through a combination of travel and pregnancy, came alive at his touch.

"You're making me feel very naughty," Rory whispered in Logan's ear as she pressed herself up against him. She could feel his arousal, which excited her even more "and I know you are too..."

"That's because I'm with the most beautiful woman in the world and you make it impossible for me to control myself," Logan said, as Rory applied some pressure before she quickly broke away to find the bedroom.

Logan looked at Rory as she started to take off her clothes, pregnancy was having a fascinating impact on her – her breasts had grown and filled out and her usually flat stomach was slowly blooming, he noticed how she was constantly subconsciously touching it. Her skin was glowing and she looked happier than Logan could ever remember seeing her. Another big plus point for him? The very fact that she couldn't keep her hands off him.

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