Family Ties

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Rory had just got herself out of the shower when the phone started to ring. She quickly wrapped herself in a towel and ran to answer it.

"Hey Ace, I was just wondering what you were up to today?'

"Hey, yourself. I'm just getting ready to go to Stars Hollow for dinner with my mom and Luke, later on, things have been a bit weird recently" she paused "You can come if you want to?" she bit her lip and wondered why she invited him like that. They were meant to be dating but somehow it felt that dinner with the family was straying into different territory altogether.

"Oh, I don't know..." Logan paused. "I mean, your mom hasn't been exactly over the moon about any of this. I'm sure I am not her favorite person right about now."

"It will be fine, she's mad at me, not you. Mom is going to have to get used to my situation at some point anyhow, there's no going back now!"

"Okay," Logan said. "I'll come with you, but you'd better protect me from the wrath of Lorelai" he joked.

"Always. Great. I'll drive, I'll pick you up in about an hour." Rory said with a smile.


Rory and Logan pulled up outside her childhood home. It had been quite a while since Logan had visited Stars Hollow, in fact, he hadn't been there since he'd come back with Rory and they'd walked around that crazy hay bale maze that Taylor Doose had created in the town square. That had been such a good day and it had also been the day that it had really been cemented in his mind that this was the girl he wanted to marry. It was the day when they had promised to factor each other into their decision-making and at that point in time, it had felt like everything was theirs for the taking. Even though they were both unsure about what lay ahead in their respective futures, Logan had felt certain that they were stronger together which is why when his world came crumbling down only a short while later, it had come as a real blow. Being back there, in the place where they'd made those promises about their future felt slightly odd but there was no time to dwell on that too much as Lorelai was walking down the porch steps to greet them.

"Hey there! Good to see you again Logan" Lorelai forced a smile. She hadn't been entirely surprised when Rory had called her to let her know that she was bringing Logan with her that day and she wasn't entirely happy about it either. As much as she knew her daughter was crazy about Logan, from her point of view, he seemed to bring so much chaos to her normally calm and rational daughter.

"Yeah, you too Lorelai." Logan smiled back. He felt a bit awkward being there but his long-term aim was a future with Rory, and he knew her mother was always going to play a part in that.

"I'm starving, is dinner ready?" Rory asked noticing the awkwardness that seemed to be hanging in the air.

"Yes, yes, Luke is just finishing it off," she said as she ushered them both into the house.


As usual Luke had prepared an outstandingly delicious meal and they all sat around the table, politely chatting. Rory could sense a little bit of an atmosphere so she was pretty sure that in the not too distance future, her mother would start throwing awkward questions her way. Lorelai had, of course, learned from the very best.

"So are you guys like a couple now?" Lorelai said without looking up at them.

'And here it comes' thought Rory. "Mom," she said in a warning tone as she put her knife and fork down.

"What?" Lorelai looked at her daughter.

"Is it really appropriate to just ask things like that at dinner? You sound like Grandma."

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