And Then There Were Four

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Rory woke early that morning at exactly 36 weeks pregnant desperately needed to pee as she did most days at the moment. She was just trying to heave herself out of bed gently without waking Logan who was sleeping soundly next to her when she felt a small pop and a little bit of water splashed to the floor. While up until that moment she had been moving carefully so as to not disturb her husband, the shriek that she let out as she felt the water come out of her body woke him with a start.

"Ace," he said groggily lifting his head to look up at her. "Are you okay?"

"I...yes I think so, but I'm not sure if my waters have just gone or I just peed myself a little" she grimaced.

"What?" he said sitting up.

"I know, that was too much information wasn't it?" Rory wrinkled her nose "Just what every man wants to hear from his wife...that she's incontinent".

Logan smiled a little but looked at her with concern. "Do you think we should call the doctor?"

"I don't know, I mean I feel fine" she shrugged. "It's probably nothing"

"Probably," he said but Logan insisted on calling the doctor anyhow, who told them that they should come in for a quick check over if they were worried at all.

The doctor came by to see them and gave them a little information about the premature rupture of membranes and the risk of infection but on examining her, she thought that there was a pretty good chance that Rory would go into labour quite soon. Rory was monitored for a little while and the CTG machine was starting to pick up some tightenings but nothing that was too uncomfortable for Rory to handle. The doctor confirmed that both babies were in a great position and there was no reason why the birth couldn't progress naturally so they went home for a little bit to try and relax, knowing that they were in for some excitement imminently.

Rory had a short nap on the bed before she woke up as the tightenings started to get a little more painful. Logan started timing the contractions but after an extremely intense one that lasted nearly two minutes he knew that it was time to get her to the hospital as she was really having to breathe through them now. Logan grabbed the hospital bag and called the car round to collect them. For the last time as a family of two, they left their apartment hand in hand.

By the time they got to the hospital the contractions were coming thick and fast – they were incredibly strong with barely a break coming between them. The nurse got Rory settled onto a bed before running some checks to see how dilated she was and to monitor the heartbeats of the babies. After a few moments the nurse smiled gently at Logan and Rory "The heartbeat seems a little slow for one of your babies, I'm just going to get the doctor to have a listen" She registered the worried look on their faces "Don't panic, this is quite normal" she said trying to reassure them.

A few minutes later the nurse reentered the room with the doctor who studied the charts and listened to the babies heartbeat before making a decision.

"Rory," the doctor said, "One of the babies seems to be in a little distress, everything is okay right now but given that you're only 6cm dilated at this point, I think that the best course of action would be to take you through for a c-section okay?"

"Okay" Rory nodded not able to say many words as she experienced another contraction but as they wheeled her towards the operating room she started to panic a little when they explained that Logan would have to stay outside while the team administered the spinal anesthetic. More than anything, she didn't want to be separated from Logan and she started to cry as she got more worked up.

Rory looked at Logan, seeking support, however, Logan himself was afraid. He wanted to be strong for Rory but what it came down to it, in that moment all that he wanted was for his wife and babies to be safe but everything felt so out of his control. He knew he had to put on a brave face for her sake though.

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