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Rory was up early on Saturday morning, busying herself and tidying up the apartment when there was knock at the door. She was puzzled as to who it could be, she certainly wasn't expecting anyone to be stopping by today. She walked over to the door and opened it to see who was there.

"Honor!" Rory said surprised to find Logan's sister standing on the doorstep.

"Hi, Rory" Honor smiled as she leaned in to plant air kisses on either one of Rory's cheeks. "Long time no see!"

It had been a really long time since Rory had seen or even spoken to Honor, years in fact, way before her graduation. She had always liked her, even if she had found her friends more than a little hard to handle. Honor had always been kind and welcoming to Rory and she was a lot of fun.

"Come in, come in!" Rory ushered her into the apartment. "What are you doing here?" she smiled.

"I have been sent here by my darling brother. Talking of whom...let me see it, come on" she beckoned for Rory's hand. "I heard that congratulations were in order, about time too" she winked

Rory held out her left hand for Honor to admire her engagement ring.

"Wow, it's really beautiful, but Logan always did have great taste. Oh, I'm so pleased for both of you" Honor said as she pulled Rory into a warm hug "You make Logan really happy you know."

Rory blushed. "Well the feeling is kind of mutual" she smiled. "But that still doesn't explain why you're here, I'm sure you didn't come all this way just to see my engagement ring..."

"No, you're quite right. I spoke to Logan the other day and he told me that you've been a little sad since he went away so he has sent me to cheer you up. I've got a whole day planned – we're going to do some shopping and have some spa treatments, do a little relaxing that sort of thing."

"Oh that's really nice Honor, but you don't need to do that" Rory said shaking her head.

"Nonsense, it's a treat for me just as much as it is for you! Bergdorfs is calling me and I've already made the appointments at Elizabeth Arden, all courtesy of Huntzberger Junior's American Express Black card, so come on, grab your bag, let's go!"

Rory smiled. A day out with Honor sounded just what she needed so it wasn't going to take much convincing.

"Okay, just give me a minute," she said as she walked into the bedroom.

Rory picked up her cell phone to send Logan a message. He was always so thoughtful and considerate. Though she had been putting a brave face on it, the past two weeks without him had felt like a lifetime and he knew that she had been feeling a little down about the situation.

"You sent Honor?!" she typed before she threw her phone back into her bag. As she did she heard it beep immediately with a notification, which surprised her as she figured Logan would still be asleep.

"You sounded like you needed a pick me up Ace. Go enjoy yourself, my treat x "

"Why are you up so early?"

"Early breakfast meeting" Logan replied.

"On a Saturday? All work and no play make Logan a very dull boy. Thanks for this, I love you x" Rory typed back.

"Love you too Ace x"

Rory smiled and picked up her bag before walking back out of the bedroom where Honor was waiting for her.

"Ready to go?" Honor asked as she held open the door for Rory. Rory nodded and followed her out.

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