Best Laid Plans

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The next day Rory arranged to have lunch with Lorelai in the city. She really wanted to tell her mom the news face to face but with her busy work schedule that week there was just no way that she was going to be able to get back to Stars Hollow so she had begged her mom to come and meet her. Rory had slept fitfully the night before, still flitting between all the various emotions when she thought about the fact that she had two babies inside of her. She hoped she'd feel better once she'd downloaded it all onto her mother.

"So what is so important that you've dragged me, your poor overworked mother, all the way onto the mean streets of New York?" Lorelai asked as she took a big bite of her cheeseburger.

"I have two pieces of news to share with you," Rory said assertively.

Lorelai raised an eyebrow "Really? Hit me!"

"Well...the first thing I need to tell you is that Logan I and have decided to get married. Soon" Rory said.

"How soon?" Lorelai questioned.

Rory shrugged "I'm not entirely sure yet but more than likely within the next couple of months. Shira is currently looking into suitable venues".

"Shira Huntzberger?!" Lorelai looked at Rory like she had gone mad. "Have I just fallen into some kind of alternate universe?"

"I know, I know...but she's been...well, I'm not going to go as far to say she's been nice but she's been, shall we say, more amenable, since finding out that I was pregnant with the next potential Huntzberger heir."

"Well, I never. She's finally accepting YOU, my illegitimate daughter and trash girlfriend of her golden boy, into the Huntzberger fold?" Lorelai said.

"Seems like it. For now anyhow." Rory smiled and rolled her eyes.

"So, what's the second piece of news?"

Rory chewed on her lip. "Okay, well...I had my first doctors appointment yesterday and we had a scan while we were there."

"And...what did they find in there? More importantly - was it human?" Lorelai joked.

"They found twins," Rory said and wrinkled her nose.

"What!" Lorelai stared at her daughter open-mouthed. "You're having twins?"

"Quite a shock huh?" Rory said as she chewed on a French fry. "I'm not quite sure I believe it myself yet."

"I'll say. Wow Rory, twins, that's pretty cool." She smiled at her daughter.

Even though Rory was now a grown woman, Lorelai still found it a little hard to believe that her baby was going to have a baby – well, now that was going to be two babies she thought to herself.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Rory trailed off.

Lorelai cocked her head to one side "What's the matter, Rory? You're not happy about it?"

"Erm, I don't know" Rory admitted. "I mean, I wouldn't say that I am not happy about it, it's just that this wasn't in the plan is all"

"Honey," Lorelai said as she put her hand on top of Rory's hand. "None of this was in the plan. That's the beauty of life Ror, it's always throwing you a curveball and I'm going to hand it to you kiddo, you've had more than your fair share of those in the past twelve months. I think sometimes, you've just got to go with the flow. The plan that is made for you, you know?"

"I guess you're right" Rory nodded "A new plan is taking shape, and maybe it's not how I intended but it's good right? Logan is really supportive, he's really excited" she said as she sipped her water.

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