Dangerous Liaisons

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After they had both had some time to cool down, James and Rory managed to talk a little and even found a bit of middle ground, with James agreeing to put their baby plans on hold until things had settled down for her at work. Rory could tell that he wasn't really happy about it but she was thankful that the subject was off the table for the time being. She still wasn't entirely comfortable with the state of their relationship but she felt she needed to give it her all and try and fix what she could.

Logan had been surprised by Rory's honest admission about why she had agreed to marry James but it also completely tore him up inside. She was the love of his life and she had married someone else to get over him. She was meant to be HIS wife. She should be Rory Huntzberger, not Rory Attwood – a name he hated using. He felt a little sad when he realized that was probably never going to happen for them. It was too late.


The last place that Logan wanted to find himself at 7 am on a Monday morning was sitting in an office with Mitchum, but that day that was exactly the position he found himself in, whether he liked it or not. His father had called him in to talk about a trip that he wanted him to take that week to the offices of the Chicago Sun Times. Logan was to demonstrate to some of their key staff, the digitization project that they had recently undertaken there.

"So you'll need to leave tomorrow. I want you to take a couple of the key team along." Mitchum said, "Take Mike, Nick and Rory."

"Rory?" Logan's head snapped up.

"Sure. She's doing some great work in features and she's pretty integral to the team. I think it would be good for her to go and see what's been happening over there." Mitchum said calmly.

"I don't think that it's a very good idea"

"Why? Something going on there?" Mitchum looked at Logan accusingly.

"No!" he exclaimed.

Mitchum smiled "Well then there shouldn't be a problem, should there."

Logan knew that there was little point arguing with this father, he still called the shots at the end of the day and to protest any more would just make it look like there he was trying to cover something up. He would just have to speak to Rory to make sure she was okay with it and let her know that it wasn't in any way his doing.

He stuck his head out of his office door "Celia, could you please ask Rory Attwood to come and see me."

"Of course Mr Huntzberger" Celia said with a smile.

A little while later Rory arrived at Logan's door. "You wanted to see me?" She was a little bit nervous, she hadn't really spoken to Logan since she had told him the real reason she married her husband. It wasn't that she was avoiding him, just that it had been the weekend and while they were becoming friends, they certainly weren't the type of friends that communicated outside of the office.

"Yeah," Logan said as he rubbed his head and sighed. "Why don't you come in and take a seat."

"O..kay," she said as she sat down. "Why does it feel like I am about to lose my job?"

"Oh god, no it's nothing like that, it's just...well Mitchum came to see me this morning and I have to go to the Chicago Sun Times for a few days tomorrow and he's insisted that you as one of our best editors come too."

"Oh!" Rory said in surprise. "Okay..."

"You're okay about this?" Logan asked.

"Well I've got to be honest, I'm a little relieved, I thought I was going to be packing all my belongings into a box this afternoon" she smiled. "I thought it was going to be way worse!"

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