Life and Death

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Rory didn't see Logan the next day at work as he'd had to head out of the city for a meeting but he had arranged to pick her up later that night and take her out for dinner. He'd been so busy with work so she hadn't yet had the chance to talk to him about what she had found out about James. Rory was really enjoying doing the dating thing with Logan at the moment, it was nice taking things slowly and relearning things about each other with no pressure at all but she really didn't know how long it could realistically stay like that as she found herself missing Logan more and more when they were apart. She'd practically spent all day counting down until their date that night and when he knocked the door she very nearly ran to open it. She fixed her dress and pulled the door open to greet him with a big smile.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" he said as he leaned in to kiss on the cheek "You look beautiful Ace."

"Thanks" Rory blushed. She had never been very good at accepting compliments, but when they came from Logan she always felt a little flushed. She had deliberated long and hard over what she should wear to dinner that night, wanting to look really good for her date with Logan, and in the end had settled on a deep red fitted dress with a dangerously low back and some super high heels that made her legs look even longer than they were.

"Are you ready to go?" Logan asked.

"Not quite, do you want to come in?" she opened the door wider.

"Yeah sure," he said as he walked into her apartment.

"Just take a seat, I'll just be a few minutes. Is Frank waiting downstairs?" Rory asked as she walked into her bedroom.

"Yeah but it's okay"

"I'll be quick" Rory shouted as she finished off fixing her hair.

While he waited for her, Logan wandered around the living room of Rory's rented apartment and looked at the photos that she had placed around the room. Some of them were from their Yale days and made him smile as they brought back so many good memories, while others were obviously from places that she had been over the years, during the time they had been apart. There was a photo sitting on the sideboard of Rory in her wedding dress being hugged tightly by her mom. Logan picked it up to look at it. She looked happy in the picture and the image of her, standing there in her wedding dress tugged on his heartstrings a little.

Rory walked out of the bedroom and silently watched Logan as he picked up the photo and looked at it for a moment. She had deliberated about putting one of her wedding photos out on display but it really hadn't been about the event, it was about the people in it. She wondered what Logan was thinking as he looked at it.

"Do you think it's weird?" she asked making Logan jump. He put the photo back down.

"Sorry, I was just being a bit nosy," he said as he turned to look at her.

Rory shrugged "No big deal, they're there to be looked at. I just wondered if maybe you thought that it was a bit weird that I had a wedding photo out. It's not that I particularly want to remember it or anything, it's just that is one of the nicest photos I have of me and my mom together."

Logan nodded. "It's a nice photo. You made a beautiful bride Ace, but then I always knew you would" he smiled.

Their eyes locked across the room. Rory knew that his smile hid a hint of sadness and that he was obviously thinking back to when he had proposed to her all those years ago. She had often wondered herself what her wedding would have been liked if she had said yes to marrying Logan.

Rory flicked her hair back and smiled self-consciously. "We should go, right?"

"Yeah, let's go," Logan said as she slipped his hand in hers.

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