The Morning After

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The next morning Rory woke up slowly, wondering to herself whether the previous day had really happened or whether it had all been just a wonderful dream. So many thoughts were swirling through her mind as she looked at Logan. "Am I really waking up next to my husband? Am I really spending the rest of my life with this person I love so much?" She was amazed at where she found herself and so very happy.

"So you know..." Rory said as she turned to face Logan properly "...We never actually managed to consummate our marriage last night"

"Well, it wasn't for the want of trying on my part, but after we got you out of all the tulle you were fit for nothing." Logan laughed.

"Sorry" Rory grimaced. She was still struggling with pregnancy fatigue and the long day on her feet had obviously taken its toll on her.

"I don't mind, I'm sure you needed that sleep, plus we have a whole lifetime head of us to make up for it..." he said as he gently touched her cheek.

"Want to start right now?" Rory raised an eyebrow.

Logan really didn't need to be asked twice. He moved closer to her and leaned over to softly press his lips to hers. Rory responded and reached an arm up and around his neck to pull him in even closer so she could return the kiss, her tongue pressing against his. They lost themselves in the deepest most passionate kiss for a few minutes before he repositioned himself and moved in between her legs, reaching a hand down and touching her lightly. He was pleasantly surprised to discover that the kissing had already affected her, and she lightly moaned as he touched her, finding her already wet.

He began kissing his way down her body, pausing to lick and tease her as her went. She moaned breathlessly as he kissed his way down to her thighs before his tongue found her entrance. Gasping she tensed up from his touch, wanting more.

"Logan..." she whispered to him, wanting him.

Logan wanted to be inside of her so badly but he was determined to make this moment last. Flicking his tongue over her he pushed her legs further apart and slid two fingers inside of her, eliciting a groan from Rory who loved the feeling as he started to move them inside her gently.

"You like that?" he asked looking up at her.

"You know I do..." she said as she arched her back and closed her eyes. Logan was working her harder with his tongue and fingers and she could feel herself getting so close.

"Oh god, Logan" she moaned loudly as clasped her legs closed around his head as she climaxed. Her legs relaxed from around him and she let out a deep satisfied sigh. "Wow," she whispered, "That was...incredible"

"And we're not even nearly done yet," Logan said as he moved back up her body before he pushed himself slowly into her. He paused for a moment while the pleasurable feeling washed over him. He pushed her arms up over her head, sliding his hands along them and interlocking his fingers with hers. Logan held her hands down and pressed his weight upon her as he moved, kissing her neck as he did. Rory moved along with him, turning her head to find his lips with hers. They continued to kiss as they moved together slowly, taking their time and enjoying the intimacy that they were feeling. He slowly slid in and out, again and again increasing in pace each time. He looked down at Rory as moan began to escape her mouth.

Rory lifted her eyes to meet his, and what he saw in them in that instant made him fall in love with her all over again. He grabbed her waist tightly, his mouth meeting with her collarbone before trailing down her neck to kiss her breasts. Her head fell backwards.

"I can't take much more of this," Logan panted, "You are making me crazy."

Rory reached up and her lips touched his. She pulled him close to her as their tongues met – she wanted him to know that she desired him just as much as he wanted her. She could feel her heart pounding as she looked up into his eyes and saw the same look of passion in them as she knew was in hers.

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