What If

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The next day when Rory arrived at work, she opened her office door to discover a huge bunch of sunflowers were sitting on her desk. The beautiful yellow flowers completely stopped her in her tracks as soon as she saw them and she couldn't help but smile. There was really only one person that they could be from, and that person wasn't going to be her husband. James had never sent her flowers and with the current state of their relationship, she very much doubted that he was going to start now. She walked over and picked up the card that was attached to read what it said.

Two words that have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: What if?

There was no name on the card but there didn't need to be. Rory closed her eyes and clutched the card to her chest before putting it away in her desk drawer.


Rory arrived home later that day just as James was getting ready to go to work. He hadn't really said a whole lot to her since she arrived home from the office and so Rory had just fixed herself and was sat flicking through the channels on the TV when she heard her cell phone beep with a message. She leaned over to reach it from where it was lying on the table and immediately saw that the message was from Logan. Rory looked over the shoulder to check that James was still in the bedroom before she opened it.

"I want to see you x"

Five simple words. That was all it was but they were five simple words that made her stomach do a flip. She paused for a moment and tapped her fingers on the screen as she wondered what she should say. She knew that what she should do is reply and tell him she couldn't, that it was wrong but her head and her heart were pulling her in two different directions. Rory typed out a response.

"Where and when."

She pressed send. She took a deep breath and leaned back on the sofa waiting for Logan to reply.

"My place, whenever you're ready x"

Rory closed down her messages and walked into the bedroom to get changed.

"Are you going out?" James asked as Rory pulled a black dress out of her wardrobe.

"Oh, yeah," Rory said wishing she had come up with an alibi before she had walked in there, she was never very good at being put on the spot and her hands were already trembling with nerves. "I'm going to meet Kate for a quick drink," she said, not quite meeting his eye. Rory had never been a very good liar and she could tell by the look on James's face that he probably knew exactly who she was going out to meet but he didn't say a word. He just nodded in acknowledgement.

As soon as she was out of the apartment, she stopped and leaned against the wall outside. Despite everything she knew that James loved her and she knew that she was hurting him. The problem was she just couldn't help herself, she couldn't resist Logan, and there was such a strong magnetism between them. She hated herself for doing this to James. She felt sick to her stomach and vowed to herself that this would be the last time she lied to him.


Rory lay in Logan's bed wrapped in his arms. All her negative feelings had been soothed away as soon as she had reached his apartment and fallen straight into his arms.

"I should go," she said without making any effort to get up at all.

"No don't go yet," Logan said as he ran his hand softly up and down her spine.

"Okay," Rory said as she enjoyed the tingly sensation that it gave her.


"Yes?" she said as she turned herself around in the bed to look at him.

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