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Rory didn't really feel all that ready to face the world so she decided to hide herself away with Jess for a while – besides, she still had nowhere else to go. She called the newspaper, telling them she was sick and she turned her cell phone off, not wanting to talk to anyone at all.

The truth was, she didn't really know what she was hiding from but neither did she know what to say to anyone. She definitely didn't want to talk to her mother and receive a lecture that was for sure. Rory knew that Logan would be wondering where she was and she felt bed for avoiding him but she was frightened that he might freak out a little if she told him she had left James. Sure he had said he wanted to be with her, but what did that mean? Perhaps he only wanted her in the way it had been so far, with Rory sneaking away to see him when she could. Maybe he didn't want any more than that. She was annoyed at Lorelai for putting these niggling doubts in her head. Rory knew she would need to speak to him at some point but she was scared that he might reject her.

Logan hadn't heard anything from Rory since she had left his apartment that night and he was beginning to get worried about her. He had known that she was unsettled the last time he had seen her. He had told her he wanted to be with her and he meant it. Logan knew that was going to be anything but straightforward and of course, there was the big elephant in the room - she was married, to someone else. Before she had left his apartment he had wanted to beg her to stay, beg her to walk away from her life with James but ultimately he knew that had to be her decision and not one he could pressure her into. If Rory really wanted to be with Logan she'd find a way to make it happen and if she didn't find a way, then Logan knew that he would just have to find a way of accepting that.

He had tried calling her several times but she wasn't answering her cell phone and now it appeared she wasn't coming into work either. Logan stopped by Kate's desk knowing that if there was anyone at the paper who would know anything about Rory's sudden disappearance it would probably be her.

"Kate, can I have a word?" Logan said as he approached her desk.

Kate looked up from the proofs she was studying to see Logan standing by her. "Oh, yes, sure Mr Huntzberger."

"Logan" he smiled "Mr Huntzberger is my dad"

"Of course" she smiled. "What can I do for you?"

"It's personal really...I was just wondering if you might have heard from Rory over the past few days?" he tried to ask casually.

Kate shook her head. "I haven't actually, I was kind of wondering if you had," she said. "I'm a little worried about her, to be honest. It's not like Rory to go completely off-grid."

Logan knew that Kate was the only person at the paper that had any knowledge of what happened between him and Rory and as her friend, he had hoped that Rory might have been in touch with her.

"I mean...I suppose..." Kate stopped what she was saying and looked at Logan. She pursed her lips. "I guess I could call James just to see...."

Logan pushed his hand through his hair. He would have much rather avoided bringing her husband into it but he had no other way of finding her. He nodded "Yeah, why not. Can't hurt, can it? Let me know if you hear anything, okay?"

Kate nodded and Logan walked away. She immediately pulled her cell phone out of her drawer and scrolled through the numbers, she knew she had James's number in there somewhere. When she found it, she hesitated for a moment before she pressed the call button. James answered after a couple of rings.


"James? It's Kate...Weston from the NY Times" she said nervously.

"Oh, hi," he said quietly.

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