All That Matters

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By the time that Rory had landed in Seattle on the Huntzberger jet, it was 1 am and by the time she had got herself to the hotel where Logan had been staying it was nearer 2 am. She had been so exhausted recently but luckily the excitement and the adrenalin of the whole situation seemed to be pushing her through. She was just hoping and praying that Logan would be happy to see her.

Mitchum had told her what room he was staying in so she after she managed to sweet-talk the night receptionist, she made her way up to his room. She stood outside the door for a moment and took a deep breath to compose herself before she finally found the courage to knock. Rory waited a moment, she knew that it being the early hours of the morning, Logan would most likely be asleep right now so she gave him a chance to wake up before she knocked again. Nervously, she chewed on her lip wondering what she was going to do if he didn't answer. Before she really had time to ponder over that too much the door swung open and a sleepy Logan was stood in front of her in a pair of pyjama bottoms. It didn't matter how much time she spent with him, she could never get enough and still got a little flush at the sight of him not wearing many clothes, something that wasn't helped by her hormones right now.

"Rory?" he said as he rubbed his eyes as if he didn't quite believe that she was there, standing outside his hotel room door. "What are you doing here? What time is it?" he said looking confused.

"It's about 2 am and I would have thought it should be plainly obvious that I've come to see you..." she smiled.

"Okay..." he said, a little blearily, not quite sure if he was awake or dreaming.

Rory stood looking at him. "I was kind of hoping that I could come in...unless you're going to make me stand in the hotel corridor to have this conversation with you?"

"Oh! God, of course. Come in." Logan said as he walked over to the sofa, starting to wake up a little more. Rory followed him in, closing the door behind her and put her overnight bag down on the floor.

"Nice room," she said as she looked around at the place Logan had been calling home for the past few months.

Logan yawned and stretched. "While I am obviously always very happy to see you Ace – and I really am – it's kind of a little unusual for you to fly 3,000 miles and turn up in the middle of the night without good reason so you want to tell me what's going on?" he asked.

Rory inhaled deeply and gingerly sat down next to Logan on the sofa. "I came because, well I really needed to talk to you about something and I know we could have done this earlier, but it's not really something I thought I could say over the phone to you..." She knew she was rambling but she was feeling really nervous.

Logan looked at her. He'd known in their phone call earlier that day that something wasn't quite right with Rory. He could tell that there had been more that she had wanted to say to him. Now he was starting to feel a bit on edge. Had she come all this way to end things with him? Had she come to the conclusion that they just wouldn't be able to work things out or get back to where they once were?

"Rory..." he started to say.

"No, Logan, please let me talk, or else I may never get this out" she smiled at him nervously. "God, I have no idea why this is so hard..." she said as she reached out and took Logan's hand in hers. "The thing is, the past few weeks have been really difficult. I've been tired and emotional and I think that I have probably taken that out on you a lot which hasn't really been fair but today I realized why that might be."

Logan shook his head and looked down, convinced that Rory was about to deliver him some really bad news.

"Logan...I don't really know how else to say this so I am just going to say it..." she paused. "I'm pregnant"

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