Schuyler Sisters

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This is placed from the musical Hamilton. Okay so I don't hate any characters so if they die it's not out of hate btw. and this is randomly generated so..

Crime ~ Envious Sister ~ "Not for you." ~ 750 word minimum

words: 1,163

Eliza ran into her room, holding one of Alexander's letters. "He wants to marry me!" Eliza squealed, her face turning a bright pink. She'd been smiling for so long, her cheeks burned. She spun and landed on her bed. She pulled the letter away from her chest and read it again.

My dearest, Eliza,
You have stolen my heart; your love plays with my heart strings with her delicate fingers. Oh, how I wish I could hold them! But don't you worry, my dear, you will soon be wrapped in my arms, my undying love for you shining brighter than the North Star. I have put it into much thought, and I want your hands in my world for the rest of my life. A ring on your finger shall show my eternal love to you, if you'd only accept me.
If you feel the same, we shall fall into love together, and we will never escape. I hope with all of my soul that you return these feelings.
With love, your Alexander

Her heart raced with joy. She squealed again, a crack in her voice as she heard her bedroom door open. Eliza shot up and looked at her elder sister. Eliza knew how Angelica felt about Alexander, so she held the letter in her hand tightly, as if it could fly away at any moment.

"My sister, what do you need?" Eliza asked, her face stained pink. Angelica just looked at her and walked over to Eliza's desk. She rubbed her finger over the letter Eliza had been planning to write back to Alexander. Angelica lightly put her finger next to Eliza's ink bottle, which had a quill bathing in it. Her finger swiped and knocked the pitch black ink over. The ink spilled over Eliza's letter, covering her loving words.

"Angelica!" Eliza screamed, tears suddenly forming and running down her cheeks. She flung her body at the letter, rubbing her hands on the paper, trying to remove the ink, but it had already stained. "Angelica, how could you do this! This is a new chapter in my life." Eliza looked angrily at Angelica, her face flaming red. She suddenly had an idea. "It will be a wonderful chapter, me and Alexander being the main characters. He will brighten up any readers heart, including my own," Eliza began to shine as her sisters face turned to fury.

"Eliza, darling, you certainly don't want someone like Alex as a husband," Angelica walked to Eliza's side, her face looking genuine, but her voice sounded artificial. She put her hand on Eliza's hand, the one that was holding Alexander's letter. Eliza's heart skipped and she turned away from Angelica, bringing the note to her chest. Her sister would not hold this piece of love from Alexander. "Well I do want him with me. He's perfect," Eliza said, her sweet voice barely audible as her eyes studied the paper. The dark haired sister exhaled, smiling at the paper in front of her. She rubbed her fingers over the ink. Her soon-to-be husband wrote this, his soul captured into many words.

Angelica tapped her nails on the wooden desk that belonged to her sister. Anger was building up in her chest as she heard her sister call Alex "perfect". He isn't perfect. Not for you. He is for me, though.The older sister smirked, walking out of Eliza's room. Her nail ran across the wall, making a scraping noise. If I want Alexander to be mine, I need Elizabeth out of the picture.

The name Elizabeth felt foreign on her tongue. She only called her sister that in dire emergencies. Or when she was in a fit of rage.

Angelica walked to the kitchen, grabbing a cutting knife. The sister slammed the sharpened knife on the wooden table, looking to the ceiling. "Dear Lord, what am I doing? Is this in your want?" Angelica stared at the ceiling and nodded her head firmly, picking the sharp object off of the table and walking back to the room where her sister stood. Her back was still turned away from Angelica. She was lost in her letter.

This only made Angelica burn with rage. She walked forward, grabbing her sisters arm and turning her around roughly. Her shorter sister gasped and stood up straighter, then saw the gleaming knife. She ripped her arm away from her sisters grasp and backed up a few feet. "Angelica, w- what are you doing? Think about this! I'll- I'll leave Alexander just p-please don't hurt me," Eliza started screaming, her stuttering taking control of her voice.

"Eliza just stop."

"What about my new chapter!"

"Eliza, I said stop!"

"Don't you want to be a sister-in-law? An aunt?" Eliza looked desperately into her sisters eyes, as if searching for an answer.

"No, Eliza. I want Alexander as mine," Angelica said coldly.

"P-please, Angelica, I thought you wanted me to be happy!" Eliza screamed, her voice echoing off of the walls. Angelica started getting too angry for her own good.

She slowly lifted the knife, the light from the window casting a reflection on the knife. Once the knife reached her own chest, she turned the sharp end to her own stomach.

"Eliza, tell Alexander I loved him."

"No!" Eliza's voice rattled with anxiety, but it was too late.


The knife was already dug in between Angelica's ribs. Blood leaked out of her torso, staining the light yellow carpet beneath her. Her orange-pink dress was now stained bright red.

Eliza fell to the floor along with her sister, covering her sisters wound. She knew it was no use, her sisters eyes were already glazed over, her face looking peaceful, yet it was the most sickening image Eliza had ever seen.

The light skinned sister continued to sob on her sister, her tears leaving dark circles on her dress. Then she heard footsteps.

"Eliza? Where's daddy- Oh my god!" Peggy stepped through her sisters doorway, instantly regretting it. She fell to the ground, all three sisters feeling lifeless. Peggy's breath was shaking as she sobbed. The sisters sobbed filled the house.

"Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now," Eliza sang Angelica's favorite song from when the three of them were children. "Look around, look around," Peggy sang along. But there was no other verses sang, just the mournful tune of a long forgotten song.

YAYYYAYY I'm so sorry lmao. But this took me like an hour to write LOVE ME. I think I'm gonna keep doing this like once every four days maybe???? Idk yet but I'll let you know. Anyways thanks for reading this far!! Bye y'all

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