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I ran out of ideas so im doing this again

"How do you feel?" - a bartender - 350 word minimum


Angelica stepped into the bar, sliding off her jacket. It was raining and dark outside; the perfect time to come to the local bar. She walked to the back of the room towards the bar but was stopped by two men.

"What're you lookin' for, little lady?" One sneered, the alcohol on his breath making the dark-skinned girl cringe. "She's looking for me," the other leaned forward, placing a hand on the small of Angelica's back. She backed a few steps away from the men because of the sudden contact, but straightened up once she caught the two men laughing. "I'm looking for a mind at work," she strutted away, not looking back.

Angelica gripped her jacket one last time before setting it down on the chair beside her. She stared up at the screen above her and caught a few glimpses of a football player being rammed into the ground. A man with curly hair and many freckles walked up and smiled at the girl on the stool in front of him. "What can I get you, ma'am?" He asked politely. His eyes looked bright and his cheeks were stained pink.

"Um, just a beer, please," Angelica replied, reading the name tag on his shirt, 'John.' He looked kind, and hopefully he wouldn't try to hit on Angelica.

He came back in about two minutes and set down a brown bottle of beer on the counter in front of Angelica. "Here ya go," he said as the bottle hit the wood. "Thank you," the slightly taller girl said flatly. "Of course," and with that he left to go talk to a dark-haired man next to the wine bottles behind the counter. John kissed the cheek of the slightly taller man and went back to work.

Angelica took a mouthful of beer and shortly the bottle was empty and she asked for another one. After four beers, John walked over to Angelica with a look of concern on his face, "How are you feeling?" "I'm just fine," she placed an empty beer bottle on the wood, "Can I get another?" She motioned to the beer in front of her.

John just glanced at her and took the bottle away, throwing it in a nearby trash can. His hair bounced as he made his way back over to the other bartenders side, but abruptly stopped as he saw his lover with a different person.

The dark-haired one was a few inches away from another, much taller man with curly, dark brown hair that surrounded his face. He looked down at the other bartender and smirked as he placed a hand on the shorter man's waist.

John rushed forward and pushed at the tall man, but he barely budged. John looked to his right, to the short bartender, and back up at the man he pushed. A slap was hear around the whole bar as John landed on the floor, holding his now-red cheek.

"John!" The other short one yelled, crouching on the ground to help pick up his friend. "John, I'm so sorry, it was an accident," he grabbed at the curly-haired man's wrist, but was pushed away by John.

"Leave me alone, Alexander. Cheating isn't an accident, it's a choice." John sat up and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "And you made the choice to do this to me."

And with that, John tugged off his apron and walked out he door, slamming it behind him. Angelica grabbed her jacket tightly and made her way over to Alexander.

"Hey," she started, Alexander turning around to face her. His eyes were dark and puffy. "Why would you do that? Why weren't you satisfied with having him in your life?" The slightly taller woman asked.

"I'm never satisfied," he said, his eyes brightening. "Is that right?" Angelica felt her face heat up. "I've never been satisfied," he bent down and kissed Angelicas hand, keeping his eyes on the woman in front of him.

"Well, I've never been satisfied," she smiled, breaking eye contact with the shorter man. She felt wrong for doing this. "Finally! Someone who understands what I'm trying to do-"

"I'm not here for you."

Angelica took her hand away from the man and her chest tightened with a sudden anger. "You cheat on John, then watch him get slapped, and now you're hitting on a woman you just met?" Her voice rose and she brought her hand in front of her, pointing from the door to Alexander.

"It's not a big deal, he'll be over it by morning," he waved his hand and looked like he didn't give a damn that he just hurt John. Angelica took a step back, "You're the type of person I stay away from. Goodbye Alexander, I hope John never forgives you again."

And with that, she turned and walked out of the door, turning right and walking under the streetlights that lined the street. She heard the door open and Alexander suddenly made his way over to her.

"Angelica, please?" He grabbed her hand again. "Can we just talk about this?" Angelica wanted to stay with him, to talk and understand him, but she couldn't do that to someone who was already in a relationship.

"Alexander," she started, her voice thick with agitation, "Do you honestly not know how relationships work? Are you that dull-minded?" She took her hand away once again.

Alexander looked hurt, "I've been in many relationships, thank you very much. And how many have you been in? Oh yeah, ONE and you fucked that one up too."

Angelica gasped and slapped Alexander.

"You don't know how to shut up, do you?" Angelica took one look at Alexander and one up the road and she saw someone running down the road towards her.

'John?' She thought as John came into view, his freckles showing up as he made his way under the streetlight. He ran up to Alexander and hugged him tightly, his arms around his neck.

Alexander hugged back, rubbing circles into the taller man's back. "I'm so sorry I stormed out, baby," he took a step from Alexander but kept his hands on Alexander's shoulders. "I was really overwhelmed and I wasn't thinking."

"Oh, it's fine, I made a stupid mista- choice, and I regret it so much." They hugged again and turned to Angelica.

"Why would you hit him?" John studied Angelica's face. "Are you kidding me? He was cheating on you John! You deserve better," she explained, the anger building up in her voice.

John looked at his shoes and over to Alexander. "He wouldn't cheat on me," he looked at the taller woman sadly. "Fine, just stay safe, please," Angelica smiled, concerned for John.

"I will, thank you," the couple walked back inside the bar. Angelica's eyes followed the two until they made it into the building.

'John really needed to find someone better than Alexander. He's going to be end up getting hurt.' Angelica thought on her walk back home. Once she made it to the apartment a familiar voice filled her ears.

"I'm a trust fund baby, you can trust me," a short man danced around Angelica. She just rolled her eyes and unlocked her door, letting the two inside.

"Hello, Aaron," she smiled at her shorter roommate. "How's Theo doing?" Aaron smiled at the question. "She's doing quite well, actually. I might ask her to go out with me soon."

Angelica smiled widely and lightly punched her friend in the arm, "You guys would be so cute together."

Aaron just blushed and typed in a number on his phone and brought it up to his ear. "Yo, Theo, would you want to grab dinner tomorrow?" He asked nervously.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then, bye!" He hung up, jumping once then flinging himself on the couch, "SHE SAID YES!" He yelled, smiling happily.

Angelica just smiled at him and made his way into her room, quickly changing and crawling into bed. She thought about everything that had happened today until she fell asleep.


okay have yall heard about this whole Oak situation?? I'm mad that theyre replacing him, but now great comet is about to get shut down now that Mandy wont be playing Pierre. Sure, they made a stupid, racist mistake, but they shouldnt get shut down.

anyways sorry for posting this so late

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