Hotel Night

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"Welcome to the Hilton! Here are your keys to your room. You'll be staying in room 1789."

The woman with dark hair smiled at the shorter man from behind the counter. She placed the key on the tan wood. They had a golden colored tag on the ring that had '1789' engraved into the metal. "Thank you," the young man said quickly, picking up the keys and moving out of the way of the line building behind him.

"Alex!" Someone called from somewhere behind Alexander, the room key in his hand. "Yeah?" Alexander replied, turning to look at John. "I think we have the same room for tonight," he smiled, his bag on his shoulder. "Oh, good," Alexander replied, knowing how tired he probably sounded. It was already 1 A.M. and Alexander felt like he could fall asleep while standing up, and by the look of it, John could too. 

The two men made their way to the elevator, waiting for the doors to open. "So... Do you have any schoolwork to finish on the train?" John asked, slightly turning towards the shorter man beside him. "You know it," Alexander sighed, smiling. "Professor Greene is giving us an essay to write over the weekend. Good thing it's only five paragraphs, otherwise, I'd have to pull another all-nighter." John only hummed and nodded in response. 

The doors opened a few seconds later and the two men stepped into the elevator after letting a couple step into the hallway. "What floor is the room on again?" Alexander asked, looking lazily at John. "Three," John responded after raising his eyebrows and laughing a bit at how tired Alexander was. John pressed the button for Alexander, who leaned his back onto the opposite wall of the elevator. 

The only noise in the elevator was the slight tick of the elevator and Alexander's slow breathing. John smiled sweetly at the man against the wall. 

The elevator stopped abruptly, waking Alexander up. He gasped in response and flinched away from the elevator wall, running into John. John looked down at the man holding onto his forearm tightly, trying to keep his cheeks from staining pink. Alexander realized what he was doing and released John's arm in a hurry. "Sorry." "No, no,  it's okay."

John and Alexander stepped into the hallway and made their way to room 1789 quickly. John unlocked the door and let Alexander walk into the room first. Alexander slipped his shoes off immediately, kicking them into the kitchen that was near the door. Alexander made his way into the bedroom, apparently throwing his bag onto the floor according to the thump John heard from the kitchen.

John paired up Alexander's shoes neatly and put them back in front of the door. John untied his own shoes, tucked the laces into the shoes, and placed them beside Alexander's. John made his way into the bathroom and put his toothbrush and toothpaste onto the counter for when he would wake up. He pulled out a pair of black sweatpants and changed into them quickly. When he came back out of the bathroom, Alexander was nowhere to be seen. John only sighed, running his hand through his thick ponytail.

He walked into the bedroom, where Alexander was snuggled into the blankets covering him. He was breathing slowly and his sides were rising and falling. John nodded to himself and crawled into the extra bed a few feet away from Alexander's own bed. John took off his shirt and pulled down his hair and pulled the blankets over his ears so that the cold air couldn't reach them. 

Should I?

John thought quickly over and over again. 

I mean it would be warmer. 

John made up his mind and slid out of his bed and into Alexander's, trying to be as quiet as possible. John got close to Alexander and turned his back to him, feeling warmer already. Maybe it was him blushing or maybe it was Alexander. John couldn't tell though. The only thing he could pay attention to was Alexander's breathing and John's racing heart.

After a few minutes of Alexander's breathing, the bed let out a groaning noise as Alexander turned to John and scooted over to him. He wrapped both arms around John's chest, snuggling his face into the crook of John's neck. John froze in shock but settled into Alexander's chest quickly. Alexander hummed into John's bare neck, sending shivers down his spine. 

"Goodnight, John," Alexander said suddenly, sending hot breath into John's back and neck. 

John smiled in return, holding onto Alexander'sn hands, "Goodnight, dear."


Okay... So, I'm sorry for being gone for almost a month now... I just ran out of motivation for a LONG time but I think I'm building it back up again woohoo. Anyways I'm working on a Great Comet thingy so if you like TGC (i miss it so much) then you should check that out in a little while! Anyways, thanks for reading this even if you don't care about it rn. (Also check out Falsettos bc it has made me cry countless times and I love it) okay byeeee

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