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here we fucking go...


Alexander stood up from the bar table in front of him and held his glass full of beer out in front of him. "I may not live to see our glory..."

Hercules looked up at Alexander, nudging Lafayette, who sat beside him. Lafayette wrapped an arm around Laurens, smiling down at him. The three men held up their glasses and repeated Alexander, "I may not live to see our glory!"

"But I will gladly join the fight!" Alexander said, a bit louder this time. Hercules stood up and raised his glass in the air. "But I will gladly join the fight!" The three men continued.

"And when our children tell our story..." Alexander grinned widely at John, making both of them turn red. "And when our children tell our story!" Lafayette now raised his glass high in the air.

"They'll tell the story of tonight..." Alexander finished.

Hercules took a swig of his drink, "Let's have another round tonight!"

Lafayette did the same, grabbing onto the taller man, "Let's have another round tonight!"

Alexander raised his arm, "Let's have another round tonight!"

"Raise a glass to freedom," Laurens started, holding his glass in front of his chest. He made eye contact with Alexander and his smile dropped. The room suddenly became dark and the air became a freezing cold temperature. Alexander looked down at his clothes and gasped at the gun in his hand and the black cloak he was wearing. A pair of glasses were placed on his nose and his thicker facial hair tickled his face.

He spun around and Burr was aiming a gun right at him. Alexander covered himself with his arms then realized that no one was moving. Nathaniel Pendleton? William P. Van S.? Are they our Seconds? Where's Washington?

Alexander suddenly realized what year it was, and all his memories came back to him. Meeting Angelica, marrying Eliza, his first son, Philip, Maria and James Reynolds, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the bar with his friends, the war, Washington, Laurens.

"Alex," a familiar voice spoke from behind Alexander. "John..." Alexander ran up to his friend and hugged him around the waste, feeling awkward as he realized he was now the same height as his old friend. He still looked like how he looked when Alexander was in the war with him -- bright and full of ambition.

The two men took a step away from each other in silence. John started to walk around Alexander and studied Burr, who stood multiple feet away from the other men. Then he glanced back at Alexander, sadness in his eyes. "John? Are you alright?" Alexander asked, looking from Burr to John.

John stepped towards his friend and placed a single hand on his shoulder. John slid his hand down Alexander's arm and held his hand and squeezed it tightly. He lifted Alexander's other hand that held the gun in over both of their heads. 

"Tomorrow there'll be more of us." John let go of Hamilton's hand and hugged him around the ribs. "I'll see you on the other side."

John walked past Alexander, but Alex didn't turn back to see him -- mostly because he couldn't move anything except his eyes and mouth.

Hamilton let out a breath into the cold, morning air, watching the light grey breath come from his mouth slowly. 

"Raise a glass to freedom."

"Wait!" A single gun shot and scream broke the silence. The quiet patter of rain was the only thing filling the air besides the panic coming from the two seconds and the doctor standing nearby. "Hamilton..." Burr spoke, walking towards Alexander, who was now slumped onto the ground, but turned around towards the boat he came from. 

The two men parted ways across the Hudson and made it back into the city. After Eliza and Angelica said goodbye to Hamilton, the world was never the same.


bam this didn't take that long but APPRECIATE ME GODDAMNIT

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