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i have no motivation but LETS DO THIS
oh and i REALLY like how this one turned out ahhh


I walked into the bar, bright lights and couples of people flooding through the room. I look around and see all the women and men dancing and hugging, and some just resting in the other's arms and swaying. I stood on the steps leading down to the dance floor and just looked over them. I had no one to dance with--or actually no one that I want to dance with. I frankly don't like women.

I look down at my red shirt and tug at the rim of it, feeling uncomfortable. 'Maybe I should just go,' I begin to turn to walk out the doors when I heard someone call my name. "John Laurens!" It was tinged with a French accent and I immediately turned around, I needed to talk to a friend.

I was met with a pair of arms flinging around my neck, as Lafayette was much taller than me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged tightly, soothing out instantly. He pulled away from the hug and kissed both of my cheeks and smiling widely. I almost blushed but remembered that he does this to everyone. "How are you doing, mon amour?" He asked, smiling down at me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and started walking us to a nearby table.

"I've been better," I mumbled, looking around making sure no one was staring at us. Lafayette let go of me and sat down at the table, his grey button up crumpling behind him, "Sit, Laurens," he put his feet on the table, one crossed over the other. I sit down and hear a crash behind me. "JOOOOOOHHNN!" I hear someone yell from across the dance floor.

I jumped and turned to see a very tall man with dark skin sprinting across the room towards me. I immediately jump up and run towards the other man. "HERCULES MULLIGAN!" I yell, jumping at him when he got close enough. He caught me and spun us around, squeezing me so tightly in his arms that it took the air out of my lungs. He put me down and rested a firm hand on my shoulder, "How's my favorite buddy doing tonight?" I shrugged under his hand, "Eh, I've had better nights."

He looked down at me, concern in his eyes. "Okay, we're getting you some drinks," he walked me over to the bar, his hand still on my shoulder. We make our way closer and I notice a tall, bald man sitting at one of the stools laughing with Lafayette. 'When did Laf leave the table?' I thought, walking up a few chairs beside them. I look at the man getting closer to Laf and I almost gasp; 'Washington? What's he doing at the bar? Where's Martha?'

A stool hitting the ground made me look the other direction to I see Jefferson laughing and Madison on the floor, a stool next to him. I almost went and helped him up but Thomas crouched down and scooped him up bridal style and kissed his forehead. I just stared at them, my heart racing. I wish I had someone that would do that for me if I fell.

"So, John," Hercules sat at his stool and I slid onto mine. "You wanna fuck Alex tonight or no?" I almost fell out of my chair when he let those words out. I looked around, mortified of someone hearing. "Herc, what the fuck is wrong with you? You can't just say that, someone will tell my father," I trailed off when I saw someone enter the bar. He had two women on either side of him and a few girls and guys called from the dancefloor.

"There's your gay crush; go get him," Herc whispered into my ear. I didn't turn my head, I just stared at Alexander on the other side of the room. He had a dark skinned girl with long hair on one arm; Angelica Schuyler. And on the other arm a light skinned girl with a broad face and dark brown hair; Eliza Schuyler. Alexander looked over the sea of people and whispered something to Angelica, who quickly walked up to Thomas Paine and started dancing with him after pulling him away from another girl. Alexander whispered something to Eliza and she laughed, punching his arm. She walked down the steps to a mixed girl with short, curly, brown hair and a smile that could kill--oh and a banging body. They danced after Eliza placed a kiss on her forehead. "That's Maria Lewis. I heard her and Alexander had an affair," Herc laughed beside me. I glanced over to him and back at Alexander. When I turned my head to the entrance, Alexander was staring back at me.

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