Perfect For You

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song: Perfect For You - Next To Normal soundtrack


"Sorry that I'm late," James sat on the blanket quickly. He was supposed to meet Thomas at the park to have a picnic and work on homework ten minutes ago but got held up after his parents stopped him. "It's cool. So in Mr. Washington's class we talked about how the Earth is gettin' warm and shit but-"

"Our planet is poison, the oceans, the air, around and beneath and above you."

Thomas stared at his friend, confused. "Um, James, that's true and I totally care..." Thomas didn't know what to say. Is this a sensitive subject for him?

"I'm trying to tell you... I love you."

"You... you what?" Thomas looked back down at his papers, confused once again. "The world is at war, full of death and disease. We dance on the edge of destruction. The globe's getting warmer by deadly degrees." James took Thomas's hand in his, glancing from the taller man to the ground several times.

"And that's one fucked up seduction," Thomas smiled at James, knowing James had never hit on anyone before.

James rolled his eyes. "This planet is pretty much broken beyond all repair, but one thing is working if you're standing here," James smiled. Thomas almost gasped. How did James make how fucked up the world was a compliment?

"I might be lazy, a loner, a bit of a stoner, it's true, but I might be perfect--I'll make myself perfect... Perfect for you. You square all the corners, I straighten the curves..." James continued, rubbing the back of his head occasionally.

"You've got some nerve, Madison," Thomas said, making James turn to him in a panicked way. "And I'm all just nerves," the taller man smiled and kissed James on the head. James blushed red and hid his face with his sweater sleeve.

"But even if everything else turns to dirt, we'll be the one thing in this world that won't hurt."

Thomas smiled at James. "We'll be the one thing in this world that won't hurt."

"I... I can't fix what's fucked up. But one thing I know I can do--I can be perfect for you," James squeezed Thomas's hand. Thomas squeezed back, "I can be perfect for you."

The two men continued working on homework, Thomas placing occasional kisses on James' head because James blushing was enjoyable. 

"I like you, Thomas. Like... Like a lot."

"I like you too, James. Definitely a lot."


i have so many projects and lots of homework due so im sorry this is short but i needed to write something for this

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