The Hamiltons

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happy september! its officially halloween time so happy halloween

very few mentions of homophobic slurs


John continued to try and rip the steak apart with his knife and fork as Alexander and his father talked. John decided to have dinner with his boyfriends dad -- or better yet, his homophobic dad that has no idea about him and Alexander.

"So, John?" Alexander's fathers voice questioned. "Yes, Mr. Hamilton?" John steadied his voice. He can't suspect anything. The older man laughed from the head of the table. "Son, call me James," his voice was oddly soothing now. John nodded at the man. "So, what do you major in in college?" He placed his elbows on the table, interested in John's reply.

"English," John smiled back politely. "Ah. Alexander was supposed to go into English but of course he's going into history. Good luck finding a job with that kind of major," his father didn't even look at Alexander, but John knew it hurt his boyfriend anyway. Alexander just hummed in a response, not looking up. He continued to chew his steak, constantly rubbing John's ankle with his own foot under the table. John tried not to show how much the simple gesture affected him, but his pink-stained cheeks proved otherwise.

"You allergic to the steak, boy?" James asked, staring at John with piercing eyes. "No, sir. I'm fine," John stared back. The older man looked at Alexander with angry eyes. He went back to eating a few seconds later.

John straightened up, "So, James, what'd you go to college for?" The man didn't reply for a few seconds, thinking to himself. "Didn't go. Wife's death got in the way of school."

John's eyes widened and he glared at Alexander, not moving a muscle. "I'm- I'm sorry for bringing that up, sir. Sorry for your loss," John went back to eating, the air feeling tense. "Everyone's fucking sorry," James spat angrily at no one in particular. "Everyone's sorry but y'all can't do nothin' bout it. Don't bother sayin' y'all are sorry. It makes me sick."

"Sorry, James."

"It's fine, John."

Alexander slid out his chair from the table and stood up. "Dad, why do you keep doing this?"

John stared up at his boyfriend, his mouth still full of steak. James stood up and placed his silverware on the table roughly. "What in the hell did you say, boy?"

Alexander didn't flinch. "John means well -- let him be sorry and accept that he cares." The two men were now standing and staring at each other. James stepped around the corner of the table and stood closely to his son, not raising a hand.

He swiftly turned to John. "Get out of my house, faggot."

John couldn't breathe. "S- Sir-" John tried to choke out, confused with James' sudden slur.

"Get out of my house," his voice was aggressive and sharp. John stood up slowly and grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. "I don't need no gay boy infecting my son."

John looked at Alexander, confused. "Don't call him that," Alexander walked around the table to John's side and intertwined their hands together. Part of John wanted to remove his hand -- but the other side of him felt proud with the gesture.

James stared at the two college students, looking from one another repeatedly. "Both of you," he pointed at us, his voice wavering. "OUT!" The taller man picked up his glass cup and threw it to the ground, walking towards his son and John quickly. Alexander stepped in front of his slightly taller boyfriend and scowled at the taller, older man. "Stay away from him," Alexander warned, squeezing John's hand tighter than before.

"Then leave."

"I was planning on it."

The younger men walked towards the door, John staying silent the whole time. "Go shove your dick into your toy over there, Alex," James smirked at his son, then at John, who shrunk away from his gaze. "As long as I'm away from you, sure," Alexander replied. He opened the door but James reached them before they could walk out.

John jerked away and practically ran out the door, letting go of Alexander's hand. "Fuck you!" Alexander screamed and threw the door shut, marching to his car. John was already buckled in the passenger side, his legs brought up to his chest and his eyes wide.

Alexander stepped in and drove away, the engine loud as he sped through the neighborhood. "Baby?" Alexander grabbed John's hand and squeezed it comfortingly. "Hm?" John's voice shook as he hummed. "I am so, so sorry for this. I should've known this was a bad idea." Alexander's face was full of sadness. "I- It's fine, don't worry, Alex," John tried to speak in a calming voice but failed.

Alexander looked over at his boyfriend, concern covering his face. "I love you so much, John." Alexander brought John's hand to his mouth and kissed his knuckles. John let out a weak smile and placed his head on his shoulder. "I love you more, angel."


great comet closes today (i wrote this late again) im crying

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