Hs Au

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This is a highschool au cause thats never been done before!!11!!!!1!1 anyways im tired and its late so i just wrote this out of boredom


"John!" I heard my name called from across the room. I looked up and saw one of my closest friends, Eliza. She was rushing towards me, her light blue button up unbuttoned to show a white tanktop and blue jeans. Her face was stained pink and she was smiling happily. "I just met the cutest guy at lunch!" Her eyes shone brightly and her voice was shaking with excitement.

She turned away from me, looking off to the side, "He has beautiful, dark brown hair with the most intelligent eyes I've ever seen a man bear." I looked down at her and rubbed her arm, "Go get him, Eliza. What are you waiting for?" She turned her head and looked at me.

"You're right I'll do it right n-" She stared over my shoulder with wide eyes and stopped talking mid-sentence. She pointed over my shoulder and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. I turned around and saw the most beautiful man I had ever seen walk into the hallway. He had his bookbag on his back and books tucked in between his body and his arm. His dark brown hair was pulled up into a neat ponytail and he had a dark green jacket on over a black shirt.

His eyes were looking at the ground but he quickly lifted his head and his brown eyes met mine. He just stared back, not moving. We stayed like this until a tall, brown-skinned man slapped the books out of the other boy's hands. "Hey, gay boy," the tall man taunted, kicking a binder down the hallway towards me. I instantly walk forward and pick up the binder and continued down the hallway to the two boys. The dark-haired one with the ponytail walked up to the taller man and punched him in the chest.

The tall one was about to land a blow at the shorter one but I walked in between them. "Guys, can you stop?" I glared at the tall one, having to crane my neck up to see his face. He was staring down at me, his eyes wide and his cheeks stained with some kind of red shade. I took my eyes off of him and turned to the short man. "Hey, you okay?" I picked up a folder and put it under my arm with the binder from earlier. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you," he picked up a few papers and stood back up straighter, locking his eyes with mine. I just breathed and glanced at his lips and back up to his eyes. He broke the eye contact and looked behind me, "Jefferson, are you going to leave or keep on checking this kid out?" He smirked and I felt my face go hot. I turned to Jefferson and met his eyes.

He just smiled down at me and looked over my body and around my face. "He is a fine lookin' kid ain't he though," his southern accent danced in my ears. I shook my head and turned to the short man, confused. "Jefferson here has his eyes set on every girl and guy in this school, don't take this personal," a smile covering his face. I turn back to Jefferson, who now looked pissed off. "Shut it, Hamilton," he sneered and walked away, a short darker skinned kid walking beside him, grabbing Jefferson's hand quickly and rested his head on the taller man's upper arm.

"That's James," Hamilton glanced over at me and smiled down the hallway at the two. "So are you like, uh, y'know?" I glanced over at him awkwardly. He chuckled and looked over to me, waving a hand. "Yes, I'm bi," he was smiling at the ground now. I studied his face but looked away as I heard footsteps approaching. I turned and was met with Eliza yanking me her way. I stayed in place though; there was no way I was going to leave Hamilton. "John, let's go. We need to talk," she sounded upset. I just glared down at her, then back at Hamilton.

He looked confused and actually a bit hurt. "Are you two a thing?" He asked, taking a step back. "No! No, we aren't," I took my arm away from Eliza and took a step in Hamilton's direction. Eliza looked hurt by my gesture.

"John, do you not care about how I feel? I liked him first, can't you just respect that?" She asked, her eyes beginning to grow tears. I looked in between Eliza and Hamilton and sighed.

"Fine. Be together. See if I fucking care," I shoved away from the two students and walked up the hallway, ignoring Hamilton calling my name to come back. 'John, what are you doing? Turn around and go back to him. Clearly he loves you and has no interest in Eliza," I thought to myself. I felt my breathing quicken and I slipped into the bathroom and hid in one of the stalls farthest from the doorway.

I rested my back against the cold, metal stall and closed my eyes. 'They'll be happy together, just let them be.'

"John? Are you in here?" A delicate voice echoed through the bathrooms. I let out a shaky breath and immediately regretted it.

"John? Hey, are you okay?" I could see his feet make their way over here and heard the door creak as he leaned up against it. "I'm not leaving until I know you're okay."

I got some toilet paper and wiped my eyes and nose. I threw the dirty paper into the trash can in the stall and put my hand on the door to unlock it. 'Think about this; does he even care about you? Eliza probably put him up to this.' I pushed the thought away and opened the door slowly.

"You're okay," Hamilton let out a relieved sigh. He took a step forward and wrapped his arms around my chest. I hugged back quickly, feeling safe in his arms. He took a step back and studied my face. I couldn't hold it any longer and a few tears trickled down my cheeks. The man in front of me let out an 'aw' and brought a hand up to my face and wipes a line of tears off of my cheekbone with his thumb.

"I'm here to talk," Hamilton breathed, letting his hand fall to my shoulder. I looked off to the side, "There's nothing to talk about." Hamilton furrowed his eyebrows and gripped my shoulder tighter. "John," he looked into my eyes. "Why would you let uh- Eliza, right?" I nodded and he chuckled. "Why would you let her have me if you have feelings for me? Don't you want to be happy?" He looked sadly at me and I looked sadly back at him. "She deserves you, and I'm willing to sacrifice my happiness for her."

Hamilton smiled at that. "That's a very kind thing to do. Much respect to you," he laughed, looking at his feet and patting my shoulder. "Yeah, I guess," I laughed, sniffling slightly. Hamilton lifted his head up. "You're so cute," he smiled widely. I felt my face get hot and I turned my head away from Hamilton. "Shut up, I'm sexy."

We both started laughing at that and we ended up hung on each other in a giggling mess of emotions. We calmed down and he looked over to me. "I think I'm in love with you." I glared back at him with wide eyes. "You what now?" I couldn't believe my ears. Hamilton laughed again.

"I think I'm in love with you, John." I smiled as he took my hand and kissed the top of it. "I think I'm in love with you too, Hamilton." He grinned and brought us closer together by taking a few steps towards me. He leaned forward, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open. I just stared at him and laughed, pulling up a hand to rest on his mouth. His eyes flew open and his eyebrows furrowed. "John, why?" His lips were still brushed up against my hand as he spoke.

I grinned at him and pushed his face away from me with my outstretched hand. "You haven't even taken me on a date." Hamilton hit his forehead dramatically. "Oh my god, you're right John," he replied sarcastically. He bent down on one knee and brought my hand down to his face.

"John," he started, but I coughed. He chuckled and shook his head. "My dearest, John. Would you accept this offer to elaborate on the feeling of companionship over a glass of cold champagne and a pizza?" He asked with a smartass tone. I smiled down at him, "Of course, my dearest Hamilton." He kissed my hand and stood up.

"Well, first off," he started. "My name is Alexander Hamilton."


THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR OVER 300 READS IT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME anyways i hope you enjoy this cheesey shit

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