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new cover heyyyy


"Hey, John," Alexander rested a hand on his boyfriends forearm. John turned to face the slightly shorter man, "Hm?"

"I'm going to go get drinks, you want one?" He kept his hand on John, slightly smiling. "No, I'm fine. Thank you, Alex," John placed a kiss on his short boyfriend and smiled. Someone has to look after you.

This party was getting pretty loud and rough. People were dancing on each other, the music was blasting and the lights were dimmed down. Alexander pushed through a big group of people on the dance floor, the group of teens not bothering to make way for him. John watched him go but someone behind him bumped into his back.

He turned around and was met with a boy, about his height, with dark, almost black hair. "Hello John," he smirked and placed a hand on John's shoulder, gripping tightly. "Hey, Charles."

His breath reeked of alcohol and cigarette smoke and he was getting really touchy with John. He crept a few of his fingers into the belt loops on John's jeans and tugged them down gently. "C'mon baby, you're wearing too much." His voice was deep and raspy and Charles now had his face a few inches from John's. "Get off of me, Lee."

John tried to push the man off but failed. "Baby boy, that rhymed." What the fuck is wrong with him?

John glanced over Charles' shoulder and saw Samuel walking around by himself.

Here goes nothing.

"Charles look!" John pointed to the ginger man near the wall. "It's Samuel! You've been wanting to get in his pants for years, go get him now." Charles let go of John and spun around. He turned his head back towards John, "You're goddamn right about that."

He walked over to Samuel and leaned up against the wall, smirking up at the taller boy. Now that that's over with.

John made his way over to the drink table when he heard whistles and cheers. John's stomach dropped as he remembered Alexander was over here, what if he got into a fight again? Shit.

John pushed passed a few people and earned a few angry glares from nearby people. Once in front of everyone, he found what everyone was cheering about.

Apparently, Jefferson took thirteen shots one-after-another without throwing up and was now dancing around a very annoyed looking James Madison. Whatever--where's Alexander?

After a few seconds of walking, John reached the dance floor and was met with Alexander with some other girl about twenty feet away from John. Alexander was dancing with a girl wearing a bright red shirt and black jeans. She was snuggled into his chest and one of her hands were intertwined with Alexander's, who had a hand on her hip. They were swaying and whispering things to each other.

John cringed as Alexander placed a kiss on her forehead.

Oh, hell no.

John made his way to them but was stopped by a taller man. "John, I know this hurts, but don't confront them." Burr. John pushed passed the man in front of him, but Aaron grabbed John's arm and pulled him back. "John, listen to me."

John flinched at how rough Aaron sounded. "Laurens."

John stared at it shoes, trying to focus on Burr instead of his boyfriend cheating on him with a random girl. This isn't working, I can't just not say anything.

John tried to yank his arm away but Aaron kept a grip on him. "John! Did you not fucking hear what I said?" Aaron looked so angry; a rare sight to John. "You can't go back to him. He cheats on everyone," Aaron quickly shut his mouth and exhaled. "I don't want you to stay in an unhealthy relationship that will end up hurting you and have it not affect Alexander at all. Please, I'm begging you, I can't watch him hurt anyone else." His voice was shaking now.

I can't just let him cheat on me. Tears started forming in John's eyes. Watching Alexander sway happily with that girl, Burr grasping onto John's hand tightly; it all sent waves of emotions over him. "Okay, fine. I'll just go back to my dorm."

Aaron still gripped on to John's hand. He was looking at Alexander with teary eyes. "Do you want to come with me? We can talk more about this there." Aaron just nodded, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. John gave Aaron's hand a reassuring squeeze, "Let's go."

It only took a few seconds of walking towards the door to get stopped by someone. "Where are you going with my boyfriend, Burr?" Oh no.

Aaron turned around quickly, letting go of John's hand. You could barely tell he had been on the verge tears. "What do you want, Hamilton?" Alexander took a step towards Aaron. "You were holding hands with my boyfriend. John let's go."

Alexander reached towards John and tried to take his hand in his own, but John pulled away quickly. "I am not your boyfriend, Hamilton." Alexander stared at John, his eyes looking emotionless. "Excuse me?"

"I'm not your boyfriend, Hamilton!" John yelled at the shorter man. He couldn't take holding all of this in anymore. "You fucking cheated on me, Alexander! How am I supposed to date someone that's not even loyal to the relationship? Go back to dancing with that random ass girl and never speak to me again." John grabbed Aaron's hand and left the speechless Hamilton inside the building. I can't deal with him right now.

The two men didn't speak the whole way back to John's dorm, they just walked, hands still clasped around one another's. John dropped Aaron's hand to get the keys out of his pocket. He fumbled with the keys and slipped the one with 504 engraved in it into the lock on the door. He opened the door and the two sat on the couch in front of the television.

After a few long minutes of awkward silence Aaron sighed. "So do you want to watch a movie or something?" John laughed and Aaron laughed along with him. "Yeah, why not? What'd'ya want to watch?" Aaron chuckled again. "You sounded so southern when you said that." John slapped his forehead dramatically, "It's not like I was born and raised in South Carolina or anything, duh!" The two laughed a bit more.

"Just turn on Netflix, we can find something there."

"Good idea, Burr."
Four hours later, Aaron yawned and clicked "continue" when Netflix asked if we were still watching. "Do you think I have a life or something, you bitch?" John broke out in loud fit of laughter, holding his sides. Aaron just sat up and smiled, looking for another movie to watch.

They were finally happy after a long night of back-to-back drama. They watched a few more movies, John passing out a few minutes before Burr. The two friends just rested after the long night.


this took two hours to write APPRECIATE ME and i finally found some motivation so !!!!!!

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