Late Night Bar

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i had  a festival this weekend so sorry that this is late again


"So... Why are you here, doll?" John leaned over the counter, head on his hand. "I got nowhere else to go," the dark-haired man in front of John sipped his whiskey. "Ah," John sipped his beer and looked at the football game on the big screen at the back of the room.

A few minutes after, Alexander stood up and pushed the stool under the counter. "Where are you going?" John stood up straight, sounding more helpless than he had wanted. Alexander just stared at him, hand still on the stool. "I'm not going anywhere unless you want me to," he replied, smiling. John smiled back.

"We still have extra drinks and we close in an hour. You up for it?"

"You're damn right I am," Alexander laughed, sitting down and ordering a few more drinks over the next hour.


"So," John laughed, face red, "he was all "Fight me dude!" so I nailed him in the face!" John was getting significantly louder now. "Man! That's sick as Hell!" Alexander patted him on the back, smiling down at his brown beer bottle.

He took a quick glance at his phone and John saw a few notifications from a "Lafayette". John felt a spark of jealousy ignite in his chest. 

"Baby u gotta come home" the text read. Alexander unlocked his phone and typed back quickly. 

"I'll be there soon, love."

Hm... He's literate.

"Sorry, uh..." Alexander trailed off, clearly forgetting John's name. "John" the taller man laughed. "Oh, yeah. I have to get going, John. I have stuff to do and-"

John wasn't letting this one get away--especially not to this "Lafayette" guy. He grabbed Alexander's shirt and pressed their lips together.

The two hadn't even been kissing for a minute before Alexander's hands were laced into John's ponytail, quickly trying to untie the knot that was holding his hair up. The stool that Alexander was sitting on was starting to tip backward, but neither of the men realized before they ended up on the floor in a loud crash. "Fuck," Alexander said, holding the back of his head and sitting on the ground. "My bad," John shook his head and laughed, rubbing the knee that hit the ground hard. 

Alexander looked down at John's knee, looking guilty. "Oh, shit, man. I didn't mean to," he started to stand up and grab his jacket. John hopped up from the floor and began to kiss Alexander again. He didn't know how to start relationships any other way by being physical with them, and that clearly wasn't going to work with Alexander.

Alexander pushed John off of him and pulled his jacket closer to his chest. 

"I have a boyfriend. I'm not even supposed to be here, but he was out of town and he just got back tonight and I'm so sorry if you have feelings for me because you are a really nice guy and I would like to get to know you and I wish we didn't have to meet while I was in a relationship and I think I'm in lo-" 

Alexander covered his mouth. "I'm sorry. I have to leave."

John stared in confusion. He loved Alexander and didn't want him to go back to his boyfriend. "But... But I love you, Alexander..." John trailed off, not breaking eye contact. Alexander went red and his eyes got wide. "I love you too, John. I wish we could've met in a better situation than being drunk in a bar that you were supposed to close an hour ago. I really am sorry."

John smiled widely. "I have a phone number, darling," he grinned. Alexander laughed and rolled his eyes, "Just give me your phone, dickhead." John fake gasped, "So aggressive," he handed his phone over, smiling.

Alexander typed a few letters and words into John's phone and clicked the power button to turn it off. "Thanks love, and if you don't mind, I don't want this French bastard to get mad because I was late talking to another man that I accidentally fell in love with."

John let him walk towards the door this time. "Who said anyone needed to know?"


John opened his car door and locked it, the horn honking to signal that it was locked. John sighed and looked down at his phone and unlocked it. He hadn't looked at it since Alexander put his phone number into it. John opened the contacts and read through the list until a few emoji hearts and the title "The Love of Your Life" as the name. Did he do this? The love of my life?

John shook off the thought and unlocked his apartment door, closing it quickly and flopping onto the couch, not bothering to even take off his shoes. It was 4 AM and John really just wanted to sleep, but a buzz from his phone alerted him. 

"The Love of Your Life: Hey doll, sleep well and message me in the morning. Best of husbands and best of sons. AH."

"A signature, really?" John laughed flipping onto his stomach and stared down at the phone in his hands like a stereotypical teenage girl. 

"(864) 555-1526: Goodnight Alexander :)"

"The Love of Your life: Oh, so this is John right?"

"Turtle Boy: Yeah it's me, lovely"

John got tired of reading Alexander's long contact name, so he changed it to "Loml"

"Loml: Okay, I really need to go to sleep because of work in the morning"

"Turtle Boy: Ah gotcha"

"Turtle Boy: So where's the bf??"

Alexander laughed and glanced over at the sleeping man beside him.

"Loml: He's asleep, don't worry about it"

"Loml: Now goodnight, John"

"Turtle Boy: Fine goodnight Alex"


FUCK i thought i uploaded this on the 22nd but i guess i didnt MY BAD

anyways enjoy this lams and some of that sweet sweet hamilton x lafayette ship

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