Lip Sync Battle

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"Our group had a lip sync battle and you got up there and lip synced to Sexy Back and didn't break eye contact with me. I'm both turned on and embarrassed."

I got this from tumblr anyways this is /loosely/ based on the prompt and this is in Alexander's perspective and there's lams and jamilton in this so heeeeeyy (plus some marliza bc I'm a gay girl and I like writing about gay girls)


I walked into the bar with my group of friends by my side. I looked to my left to see Laf, his curly hair tied into a neat ponytail. I felt a reassuring hand on my shoulder from behind me and instantly knew it was Herc. His bandana was still wrapped around his forehead from earlier. And to the right of me was my dear friend, Laurens. His freckles littered his cheekbones and his exposed arms. His curly hair was also tied in a ponytail and his eyes looked so bright.

I quickly look away from him, 'Alex, stop I swear if you blush-' I thought before getting cut off by some loud music coming from the karaoke stand at the back of the room. Two girls were onstage, one with straight-dark brown hair and the other with long, brown curly hair.

I still don't see how they do it--stay confident, that is. How could they find the mental stability to go up there and sing and let out all that energy with so many people watching? I thought to myself quietly, only looking up when someone "wooed".

The girls were staring at each other intensely and didn't break eye contact with each other as the one with the curly hair and bright red lipstick wrapped her arm around the other girl's waist.

A few men whistled at them, including Herc. I turned around a bit and elbowed him harshly, "Dude, shut up." Herc stared down at me, his eyes not leaving mine. I glanced away for a second and was immediately picked up by my tall friend. He held me in his grasp as he carried me up to the stage as I struggled. "HERC LET ME GO NOW," I yelled and kicked like an angry child. My anxiety was making my chest ache already. 'I can't go up there, I'll make a fool of myself,' the thoughts in my head raced. I flung my arms around and eventually gave up.

He suddenly bent down and let my feet finally touch the floor. I looked up at him and sighed. I jumped as I heard a whistle from the crowd in front of me--wait croWD? I froze in place, my eyes wide and my arms down by my side. I saw so many eyes look up at me. My mind was racing and I could feel my legs going numb.

"Sing, Alex!" Laurens called from the crowd, his wide smile calming me instantly. I looked back at Herc and he shoved a microphone in front of my chest. I took it hesitantly and the crowd cheered as I took it into my shaky grasp. Herc looked like he asked me something but my mind didn't comprehend it. "Alex!" He yelled a bit louder. "Yes?" I shouted back, a bit frustrated with the crowd yelling over us. "Who do you want to sing "Sexy Back" with?" He looked back at me sternly. My heart skipped around in my chest.

'Oh god, why this song?' I thought to myself, barely being able to think or breathe. I looked around and my eyes met Laurens'. He looked expectant, his mouth turned into a soft smile; his cheeks were pink. Why were they pink?

I was about to choke out "Laurens" but I was cut off by a 6'2", puffy haired man with light-brown skin. "I'll do it." He smirked as Herc held the microphone out for him to hold. He wrapped his hands around it and turned it on. I turned my own microphone on and tried not to show how badly my hands were shaking. I looked up immediately when I saw someone step up to me. It was the tall man, a smirk covering his face and confidence radiating off of him.

I shrunk down a bit, feeling intimidated and awkward. He was at least seven inches taller than me--and his hair was just adding on to it. He actually looked amazing. He had a short-sleeved black button up with light-blue skinny jeans. His eyes were a dark, chocolate brown and his cheeks were stained red from the alcohol. 'Great. He's drunk.'

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