He's Home

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An abused stay-at-home dad - 800 word minimum - "I can fix this."


A door slamming woke James up from his sleep. Thomas' daughter walked into James room and shook his shoulder even though he was already woken by the slamming front door of his house.

James could barely see her so he turned on the bedside lamp, turning James' and Thomas's daughters faces a yellow-orange from the light bulbs glow.

"James was that daddy?" His daughter looked sleepless; dark bags sat under her eyes and she looked like she'd been crying. James' heart broke just from looking at the small, helpless 11 year old girl.

"I'm sure it is, Sophy. Do you want me to make sure it is?" James just wanted the little girl to feel safe. Sophia nodded and held her hand out for James to hold.

James held her hand lightly and saw the contrast between their skin tones. James was a few shades darker than the mixed little girl. Thomas fucked a random girl on the streets and got a beautiful little girl out of it-a little girl that he doesn't appreciate. Thomas doesn't even work, he just stays home and lets James make the money and let him worry about bills and Thomas' own daughter. James sometimes felt like Sophia was his own daughter, and he didn't mind the thought.

It wasn't hard for James to hold hands with Sophia, she was only about six inches shorter than James. He walked down the steps, looking around the dark living room cautiously. Nothing was going to hurt or scare this little girl.

James stood up straighter and stayed on the steps for a few seconds. "Stay here, I'll go see if it's your father okay?" James tried to sound reassuring to Sophia. He wrapped both of his hands around one of the little girls and crouched down to her eye level.

"No one will hurt you as long as I'm here." James smiled at Sophia. She nodded and James walked down the rest of the stairs and turned the lights on.

The snoring lump on the couch caught James' eye and he just sighed.

Thomas was drunk again, of course. James knew he was at the bar, but James had to be at home for Sophy. She needed him more than Thomas did. Thomas could take care of himself; Sophia couldn't.

James walked closer to his boyfriend and smelled alcohol from feet away from him. There was a beer bottle on the table-empty of course.

Thomas was snoring like crazy and his face was buried in a pillow and his hair practically covered the pillow he was sleeping on. He was stretched out across the couch, his foot hanging off the end and his right leg hanging off of the couch. The tall bastard can barely fit on the couch.

"James?" Sophia asked from the stairs.

James turned to look at her but she was already walking toward him.

"I shouldn't have expected anything different. He's always drunk now," Sophia spoke shakily and her eyes looked sad as she studied her passed out father. Her big curly hair matched her father's. Her hazel eyes matched her mother's.

"He wasn't always like this," James started, his eyes still focused on his boyfriend.

"He used to be so sweet and caring. He stayed with me through it all. He may have been gone on some nights, and people judged him for it, but sex means nothing to Tho- your father. That's why I stayed with him. He wouldn't have sex with me because he actually loves me. He doesn't love the other people. I'm the only real lover he sees."

James was smiling now. He loved thinking about Thomas and how James was the only person he truly loved. It gave James a sense of purpose.

Sophia shuffled beside him. "So he really loves you a lot then." She looked up at James and James looked back down at her.

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