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the eclipse was amazing today holy wow


"I'm gonna look at the eclipse and blind myself."

"What? No don't do that."

Maria chuckled at the concerned girl beside her. "You're so protective," Maria groaned, smiling and glancing at Peggy. Peggy looked back at her, her cheeks pink and a small smile on her face. "Well, you need to be able to see--"

Maria placed her hand over her girlfriends', causing Peggy not to speak again. "You're cute."

Peggy giggled and intertwined their fingers, looking lovingly at the girl in front of her. Maria stared back and brought her legs up to her chest. They broke eye contact but kept their hands together. After a few minutes of comfortable silence Peggy jumped up and grabbed a pair of eclipse glasses behind her. She shoved a pair into Maria's hands and looked up at the Sun, which was now being covered. Peggy brought the glasses to her face and squealed at the sight.

"Mariaaaaa, look!" Peggy tried to pull her taller girlfriend to her feet but failed. "God, you're boring." Peggy let go of Maria's hand and smiled at the Sun and Moon overlapping.

"You're such a nerd," Maria smiled as she pushed herself up to stand next to her girlfriend. She placed the glasses against her face and stared up at the sun. The eclipse was almost in full totality.

Peggy sighed. "This is probably the only time we'll ever experience this," she took Maria's hand in her own. "And I'm so glad I'm spending it with you."

Maria smiled back at her and giggled. "That was so cheesy I'm going to throw up," Maria made a face gagging noise. Peggy gasped loudly, "MarIA," she raised her voice, playfully pushing Maria away from her.

"Fine, if you want me to go I'll leave," Maria picked up her bookbag and slung it over her shoulder. "Toodaloo, Pegs," she waved. She was about to climb into the window when Peggy made a shocked gasp.


Maria dropped her bag and ran back, slapping the glasses on her face as fast as possible. Everyone around them went dark and a dusk sky formed all around them. Maria took off her glasses and stared at the black circle in the sky; the corona making a halo for the moon. "Peggy, take them off, it makes it ten times better," Maria said.

Peggy hesitantly took off her glasses and smiled widely. "Maria," Peggy didn't look at her girlfriend. "It's so beautiful."

Maria admired her girlfriend now, the eclipse being the least of her worries. She brought her hand up to her girlfriends short hair and pushed it behind her ear. "My beautiful princess."

Peggy turned her head back to Maria and leaned forward and pressed their lips together. Maria smiled into the kiss. Once she opened her eyes again, the sky started brightening up. Peggy jumped away and looked around, amazed at how fast the world lit up.

"Okay, Maria, prepare for me to say something really stupid and cliché."

"I'm ready."

"I can't tell what lit up my world more -- you or the sun."

"That was not stupid. That was so romantic."

"That's my job, baby."


i am so fucking sorry that this is short and very late. i wrote this on the day of the eclipse as it was happening but i just finished it today (8.25) and im so sorry this is late. ill post another one in a few. see ya then.

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