Farmer Refuted

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i love farmer refuted with a passion


"Hear ye, hear ye! My name is Samuel Seabury and I present "Free Thoughts on the Proceedings of the Continental Congress"!"

A voice rang across the park from where Alexander stood with his friends. Something about the accent-tinged voice caused the group to make their way over to the pedestal.

The four men stood to the outside of the crowd when Alexander spotted Aaron, who was standing at the front of the crowd, his arms crossed and scowling. "I'll be right back," Alexander said to no one in specific and walked into the crowd of people, who also didn't look too happy. If nobody agrees with him, why is nobody speaking out? Alexander thought, moving towards Burr.

"Hey," Alexander greeted, placing a hand on Aaron's arm. Aaron glanced at him, looking murderous. "Hello, Alexander." Alexander let go of Aaron and shuffled awkwardly.

"So, what's going on here?" Alexander rolled on his heels, looking back at his friend. "Just a stupid Loyalist speaking his mind," he looked around, smirking slightly. "And it's completely peaceful."

He smiled softly at Alexander, knowing it would upset him. "So, what you're saying is nobody--" Aaron raised a finger and opened his mouth to speak, but Alexander moved Aaron's hand and continued to talk. "Most people don't agree with this ginger freak, and not a single person has said anything?"

Aaron just sighed. "Why don't you shut up and listen, Alexander?" Alexander smirked at Burr.

Alexander straightened up and stood next to Aaron, waiting for the Loyalist to speak again.

"Heed not the rabble that scream revolution, they have not your interests at heart."

Alexander's mouth dropped open immediately. Oh hell no.

A hand was placed on Alexanders shoulder. "Oh my God. Tear this dude apart." Alexander smiled at Hercules, who stood behind him.

"Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution. Don't let them lead you astray. This Congress does not speak for me!"

"Let him be," Aaron warned, looking at Alexander. "They're playing a dangerous game. I pray the king shows you his mercy. For shame, for shame..."

Alexander sprinted forward and stood in front of the box Seabury was standing on. "Yo!"

The British man looked down at Alexander, confused. "Heed not the rabble who scream revolution. They have not your interests at heart."

Alexander spoke over him, pulling himself onto the box. "He'd have you all unravel at he sounds of screams but the Revolution is comin'! The have-nots are gonna win this it's hard to listen to you with a straight face."

Seabury turned red with anger. "Chaos and bloodshed are not a solution, don't let them lead you astray! This Congress," he shoved Alexander, "Does not speak for me!"

"My dog speaks more eloquently than thee!" Alexander made whimpering noises at the taller man.

"They're playing a dangerous game."

"But strangely, your mage is the same," Alexander was trying not to laugh at Seabury's face after he heard Alexanders comment.

"I pray the king shows you his mercy," Seabury pushed his paper into Alexander face and turned back to the crowd of people, who were all laughing. "Is he in Jersey?" Alexander smirked up at the ginger man. Seabury gasped, "For shame!"

"For the Revolution!"

"For shame!"

Everyone shouted with Alexander, "For the Revolution!"

"Heed-" Seabury was interrupted again. "If you repeat yourself I'm gonna," they spoke in unison, "Scream!"

"Honestly, look at me, please don't read-"

"Not your interests," Seabury hissed.

Alexander hit the paper out of Seabury's hands. "Don't modulate the key then not debate with me! Why should I tiny island across the sea regulate the price of tea?"

"Alexander, please," Burr looked up at Alexander, who remained on the box with Seabury. "Burr, I'd rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the nicities-"

Two British soldiers shoved Alexander off of the pedestal.

Alexander fell on top of Aaron and the two quickly got up and fixed their jackets.

"Silence! A message from the king!"

Burr gasped and Alexander stood up straighter.  "A message from the king! A message from the king!"

"Let's go-" Burr grabbed Alexander and ran out of the crowd. "What was that for?" Alexander breathed heavily. "I've seen what the king could do -- I'm not risking that happening to you and me," Aaron breathed, his eyes full of panic.

"But where's-"

"Alexander! We found you!" A slap on the back interrupted Alexander. Alexander turned and hugged Laurens quickly, "I thought those guards were going to take you guys, I got worried," Alexander said as the two separated.

Lafayette and Hercules walked up behind Laurens as the two shorter men embraced. "You did amazingly, mon ami," Lafayette smiled. "Yeah, man. Seabury didn't stand a chance," Hercules laughed, placing a hand on Lafayette as he spoke.

"Should we buy drinks?" Laurens asked, smiling widely. "Yes, of course," Alexander replied, placing an arm around John's shoulders. "You comin', Burr?" Alexander turned to ask.

Aaron stared at Alexander then slowly nodded his head and walked along with the group.

They sat down at the table and grabbed pints of alcohol.

Laurens stood up and exclaimed very loudly, "To the Revolution!"

The whole table stood up and repeated the phrase, then downed their drinks. "It's good to have you back around with us, Burr," Alexander smiled at the man beside him. "It's good to see you, my friend," the taller man replied.

The group went back to drinking and talking loudly. They stayed at the bar for hours, laughing at what Alexander had done.


school has fucked me up big time so these are going to come out a little later bc i have no time now.. anyways i meant to turn this into something else but i changed my mind so byee

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