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A desperate girlfriend - 650 word minimum - "You will take the fall for this."


Maria walked into her and her boyfriends house, exhausted. She just needed some beer and a cuddle.

"Alexander?" Maria placed her keys on the dining room table and continued to walk into the kitchen where Alexander was sat.

His dark hair looked messy and unkept. "Maria," he stood up from his chair holding a letter with a familiar signature on it. "How could you?" His voice shook.

His eyes looked tired and just flat out terrible. He took paces up to Maria and continued to yell. "No, Alexander! It's not what it looks like!" Maria had tears running down her cheeks and she was yelling back.

Alexander walked towards the front door angrily. "Please don't go!" Her voice cracked.

Alexander stopped in his tracks and turned back to Maria, who was now on her knees pleading.

"So was your whole story a setup?" Alexander yelled and walked closer to Maria. His eyes had dark bags under them and he looked helpless. "I don't know about that letter!"

Maria couldn't have him walk out, she loved him. Alexander showed no pity to her though.

"Stop crying, goddamnit, get up!" He couldn't sympathise with her any longer. He grabbed her arms and lifted her up, but her legs couldn't hold her, so she fell back to the ground, her red dress crumpling beneath her.

"I didn't know any better!"

Alexander looked like he was about to cry. "I'm ruined."

"Please don't leave me, I'm helpless-"

"Helpless? I'm helpless," he held his head in his hands, "how could you do this?"

"Just give him what he wants and you can have me!" Maria couldn't stop crying and her chest was tightening. Her throat stang and her eyes were red.

"I don't want you."

Maria's heart broke. "Alexander-" Alexander grabbed a glass cup and threw it into the kitchen, the glass shattering and sprinkling the ground.

"Don't speak my name ever again," his voice shook and he kept his eyes on Maria.

Maria ignored him and kept on pleading, "You could pay; you could stay!" Her voice was shaking rapidly and she couldn't control her breathing.

"I'm leaving, Maria. I can't keep doing this." He looked sad and furious at the same time. "We don't even love each other--we just have sex and then leave each other."

"And you could have told me that you had a husband," Alexander didn't stop talking.

"You could have told me that you had a wife."

Alexander froze. "That's different."

"Alexander it's no different. We're both in the wrong here," Maria wanted him to see this, but of course he's too ignorant to listen. "You don't have a family to put into shame or a reputation to hold up--I do. Our situations are not the same."

Alexander looked furious now. "Did you really think we're going to come out of this with the same fate? I could be politically ruined."

"And I could lose my husband." Maria regretted saying that, she wouldn't miss her husband.

"You won't miss him. You told me that he beat and cheat you. Or was that a lie too?" Alexander sounded confused and basically in controlled rage. His hands were still gripping the letter from James.

"That wasn't a lie--I don't know why I said that honestly," Maria spoke quietly. She was overwhelmed and didn't want to fight anymore. They both fucked up and both have to pay the price for doing so. She put her head in her hands and let her tears flow freely.

Alexander walked into the kitchen and sat down and started writing on his laptop. He never stopped writing. His fingers flowed freely across the keyboard and he was typing quickly.

"Just don't tell anyone Alexander." The last thing they both needed was for this scandal to get out.

"You lied to me Maria. You will take the fall for this."


i like this chapter even though its a bit sad

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