Just Say No

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im so sorry this is so late i ran out of motivation and i got in some drama but im doing alright now so back to writing i go!!


"Just say yes," the girl with long, curly hair stepped around Alexander, her red dress flowing behind her. She got in front of him, her hands on his hips, "Just say yes."

"I- I can't, Maria. I have kids and-" Alexander was overwhelmed by the beautiful woman in front of him. What about Eliza and Philip? I can't...

"C'mon baby, I have a whole house in New York. James isn't there so we don't have to worry," she soothed. She placed a hand on his face and ran down the side of his cheekbone with the back of her hand, her cold nails sticking to his skin.

Alexander's eyebrows furrowed and he closed his eyes, keeping his hands on his side firmly. "Maria I-"

She interrupted him and brushed her lips across his, barely touching them. "C'mon, baby."


Two months later, Alexander woke up next to the same sleeping person next to him.

He sat up, messy hair and darkness around his eyes. The cold air pricked at his skin, his feet cold as ice. Alexander groaned, his head pounding and his back in pain. Maria shuffled behind him and let out a muffled hum.


"Yeah. Morning."

Alexander did not feel like talking to Maria today. He tried to stand but was stopped by a sturdy hand on his arm. "Don't go. It's cold without you, Alex," she smiled at him.

He yanked his arm from her, "Don't call me that." He sounded rougher than he expected, but he didn't feel guilty about it. She didn't deserve or love him.

"Alexander," she urged. 

"I have to leave," Hamilton said flatly, keeping his back to her.

"Alexander." Alexander could hear the pain in her voice. "Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now!" He yelled back at her, crouching down to her level. She flinched but didn't break eye contact.

"Helpless!" She screamed, tears forming in her eyes. "Isn't this enough?!" She motioned towards the bed, screaming more. 

"He will never be satisfied."

Alexander spun around and saw John, but it wasn't his old self. His face was red and he looked full of disappointment and sorrow -- and just like when Alexander fought in the war with him.

Alexander opened his mouth but quickly shut it, unable to respond. "Isn't this enough?" Maria stood up, keeping the blanket around her naked body. "He will never be satisfied!" John and Maria circled Alexander, shouting at him as he shrunk to the ground.

Alexander fell to his knees and yelled back at them, feeling a strong hand on his back, knowing it was the thought of Washington. The hand spun Alexander around, making him sit on the ground looking up at multiple familiar faces. "History has it's eyes on you!" He pointed down at Alexander.

Alexander started to stand up.

The circle of people surrounded him closer. 

"He will never be satisfied!"

"Isn't this enough? Would this be enough?"

"History has it's eyes on you!"

"Why do you write like history has it's eyes on you?"

Burr was now shouting in Alexander's face, making Alexander shake in anger and fear.

Alexander swatted away the ghost of Burr in front of him, "I am not throwing away my shot!"

Alex took a swing at Washington, making the ghost disappear along with Burr's. Alexander took one look at John and his eyes filled with tears.

"I am not throwing away my shot!" Alexander let out one last screech as he planted a punch right on the left side of John's face, making John stumble back. The freckled man made eye contact with Alexander, his eyes full of hurt. He drifted into the shadows of the room slowly.

"John..." Alexander trailed off. "Alexander," Maria was standing over Alexander, worry covering her face. "I- I'm fine," Alexander assured, picking himself up from the ground, hugging Maria quickly.

"You are enough, my dear."


i need to get these writings out so im sorry this one is so bad... i just need to carry on with these and forget how painfully horrible this one is

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