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okay so I'm writing this a few days earlier, but I start school today so wish me luck :) anyways I got this idea from Tumblr and it's a whole blog full of Hamilton headcanons and I love it so here goes nothing



A tired voice came from James' door. The short man groaned in response. "James, I just finished my paper and I need an editor." James picked up his pillow and threw it on the ground, sighing loudly. The clock on the dresser read 5:53am. You better be glad I love you, Thomas.

James sat up in bed, the cold air outside of his numerous blankets hitting his bare chest. He shivered and pulled the blankets back over himself. "What do you need, Thomas?" The tall man in the doorway brightened up a bit, gladly taking his papers over to his roommate. "I just finished these," he held them out for James to grab, his face full of pride for the work he'd done.

James shuffled through the papers, counting them and mumbling the numbers out of his lips quietly. "Well at least you have the correct amount of papers this time," James placed the papers on his legs and placed his back against the headboard. Thomas groaned, "It was one time, James!"

James smiled at his friend, reading the top of the paper and shaking his head. "What's wrong with it?" Thomas sat on the side of his friends bed, looking at James. "Can I have my red pen, please?"

Thomas just yawned and lied on his back, closing his eyes. "I mean I could, but I really don't want to right now," he smiled to himself. "Fuck you, give me my pen," James said, his morning voice coming out roughly. Thomas sat up and got a pen off the dresser and throwing it at his friend. "Here, you big baby."

James wrote, 'You spelled your name wrong, Htomas.' He laughed at himself. "What are you laughing aaaaat?" Thomas looked over his friends legs and frowned. "I just typed it wrong, you meanie," he crossed his arms and James softened.

After a few minutes of marking his friends papers without either of them saying a word, Thomas stood up and stretched and groaned. "I have class in thirty minutes, I should get going," he turned towards the door. "Why did you wake up so early then?" James asked, hoping he wouldn't hear the one answer he was thinking of. "I didn't sleep last night, I was up writing that essay." He barely looked tired.

"How do y-"

"Coffee, my friend. It surprisingly doesn't mess up my skin, though."

"Must be nice," James rubbed his thumb over his chin, feeling a few bumps from his acne from high school. Thomas looked at James, looking slightly concerned. "You still look beautiful, don't think about it too much, doll."

And with that, he walked out of James' room smiling. James didn't move an inch, his face hot. "Fuck you, Thomas," James spoke quietly, smiling to himself. "Fuck you too, Jamie!" James gasped a bit, "Go to class, Jefferson!" James yelled back, laughing. "I'm trying to, Madison!" Thomas called, a door slamming a second later.

How did I end up with someone as good as Jefferson?

James continued to leave small, red marks on Thomas's paper. He occasionally left small stars and hearts beside the paragraphs, smiling at them. James also wrote short lyrics of Thomas's favorite songs on the blank columns beside the paragraphs because he knew Thomas would smile and hum them to himself. James knew Thomas a bit too well.

About an hour later of humming and writing down words, the door of their apartment opened. James stretched his arms and legs out under the covers, taking one last glance at the small stack of papers in front of him. "Thank God that's over," he groaned, placing the papers on the desk beside him and grabbing his pillow off the ground and placing it back under his head. James pulled up the covers, making sure they were placed over his bare back. It's so cold in here.

"Thomas!" James called, not wanting to get up from his spot. A few footsteps came down the hallway and Thomas stood there, a grey sweatshirt and his boxers on. "Um - Can you turn the heat on, or at least turn the air off, please?" James asked, stuttering a bit. He kept his eyes on Thomas's face, not wanting to glance any lower. "Sure, doll," he smirked, walking back down the hallway to turn off the air conditioning. "Thanks," James muttered, pulling his blankets up to his chest, hugging them closely.

James almost fell asleep, but a creak in the bed made James jump. "Huh?" He asked, tiredly. "Don't you have class?" Thomas asked, looking down at his friend. "Yeah, in an hour or so," James replied blankly, his face muffled from the pillow.

"So, are you just gonna sleep until it's time or do you wanna go out and spraypaint Charles Lee's apartment then sleep?" Thomas asked, already knowing what James would say. James sat up slowly, "I never thought you'd ask." They were both smiling maliciously at each other. Thomas opened up his friend's drawer and took out a black sweatshirt and some dark khakis. "Get dressed loser, we're going shopping," he said, in a high-pitched, valley girl voice. James laughed at him and got out of bed, the air no longer cold.

James quickly put on his sweatshirt and pulled his khakis over his boxers. He slid on some socks and shoes and stood up straight, realizing Thomas didn't have pants on. "Thomas -- Oh my God, you can't go out like that," James giggled at his friend. Thomas smiled down at his friend and shrugged and walked into his own room to pull on a pair of blue jeans.

James sighed, How did I get so lucky? Thomas walked in again, his small, paint splattered bookbag clanking against his leg. The sound was the multiple cans of paint being tossed around inside the dark-blue bookbag. "Let's go," the two smirked at each other, quickly making their way down the hallway.

James kept a hand on the wall, grazing the bumpy wall. The small rattles of the balls inside the paint cans were the only things filling the silence.

The two continued down the hallway until they reached B16, the dark blue tag barely visible through the very small amount of sunlight. Thomas unzipped his bookbag and got out a bright yellow paint, rattling it quickly and popping the cap off, smirking violently. James smiled back, grabbing out a purple and copying Thomas's actions.

A hissing noise let James know when to begin. Thomas already wrote "FUCK OFF" in bold letters on the front door. The two giggled, glancing at each other from the corners of their eyes. James stepped towards the door and thought for a second. He flicked up a finger, letting Thomas know he now had an idea. "Do it, James," Thomas urged, unable to contain his loud voice.

The knob on the door moved a bit but stopped quickly. A small groan came from the door but the two men were already sprinting back to their room. "JEFFERSON!" A screech rang down the hallway, slightly rattling with anger. "Damnit-" A small groan was cut off by Thomas slamming the door and laughing loudly. "We actually did it!" He had his hands on his knees and he was doubled over in laughter. He wiped his eyes and tried to start breathing normally again.

"That was fun, Thomas," James panted, appreciating his friend's company. Thomas looked up at him, "You know it, Jemmy." They sat in silence and James started walking away towards his room. "Wake me up in a bit, Thomas. I need more sleep before class starts," James said, not looking at Thomas. "Of course, see you in a few?" Thomas asked.

James turned and smiled sweetly at the man across the room. "Of course, Thomas." He slipped into his room and under the covers, bringing them up to his chest to snuggled his face into. Let's hope we don't get suspended for doing that.


School just started today so updates might come a little late or at least a little slower.. sorry in advance but school is going to get in the way BYE!!

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