Unlikely Friends

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school starts in four dayS anyways im really nervous and im not looking forward to being in a school full of shitheads for nine months


Music blasted from the small bar in front of John. He could feel the music playing once he opened the door. There were dozens of people dancing on the dance floor near to the door the freckled man had just walked through. He studied the people around him, looking for his boyfriend.

Someone bumped into John from behind and he quickly turned to be met by a slightly shorter man with black hair. "Oh- sorry, John. My bad, I was dancing with Thomas and I got spun and I bumped into you and I'm sorry," James stuttered as he turned to face John. "Don't worry about it, Madison," John smiled down at his classmate.

A tall man walked up behind James and placed a hand on his waist, Thomas mother fucking Jefferson.

"Yo, John! Pleasure seeing you here," he smirked, looking around for a second. "Is your little boyfriend not here with you?" John glanced away for a second, feeling awkward. "He is here, I'm just trying to find him," John confessed, knowing how helpless he sounded without Alexander beside him.

Thomas smiled down at him, something in his eyes making Laurens feel insecure. "You should go check the bathrooms, I think I saw him walk into there with that Burr dude," the tall man trailed off, James smiling now. "Yes, you should, Laurens." He sounded flat and equally as threatening as his counterpart that stood slightly behind him.

John started feeling his heart start to race, but denied the thought of Hamilton ever doing anything with someone besides John. "He wouldn't do that, Thomas. He loves me--"

"Fine, don't believe me. Just avoid the bathroom if you don't want to see your boyfriend bending some patient dude over the toilet going ham on his ass." John thought he was going to throw up. No, no, no. He wouldn't do that. Aaron is his enemy. He wouldn't do this.

"Shut up, p- please," John pleaded to the taller, arrogant man that was now looking off towards the bathroom, not smiling anymore. James glanced up at his own boyfriend, looking slightly concerned. "You should really go check up on him though," James suggested, actually showing some emotion for once. John just nodded and reluctantly made his way to the restrooms near the back--the same place Thomas was staring a few moments ago. John looked back at the two and they were both watching John make his way through the crowd. James looked away quickly but Thomas didn't flinch or shift his eyes.

John turned around but could feel Jefferson's eyes on his back.

Once in front of the restroom door, John sighed and pushed the door open, moans flooding into his ears as soon as he opened it. John flinched at the noise but walked into the bathroom, looking around. The door shut louder than John had wanted it to, and the moaning suddenly stopped.

"What was that?"


"I don't know, and right now I don't care." John's heart stood still as he could hear their sloppy, drunk kisses continue. A ragged breath escaped John's lips. At least it isn't Alexander.

John made his way out of the bathroom, angrily making his way over to where Thomas grinded up on James. John just cringed and yelled Thomas's name. "Thomas! You goddamn liar!" The tall man just flipped him off and turned James around, the two of them now sloppily making out, spit making their lips shine under the bright, colorful lights. James had his hands deep in Thomas's hair and Thomas had his own hands rubbing up and down James' chest under his shirt. This is disgusting. Where's Alexander?

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