Day In

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A college dropout - 250 word minimum - "Who needs friends?"



Thomas woke up to a knock at his apartment door.

He just groaned and turned over in his bed. The knocking grew louder. "Whoever is knocking is about to get knocked out," the tall man growled to himself quietly.

Thomas reluctantly pushed himself out of his bed and checked his face in a mirror as he walked by one in the hallway. It was cold--they were in the middle of winter--and Thomas hadn't even put a shirt on yet. He was just in boxers.

He reached the door right as the knocking started again. Thomas opened the door roughly. "What do you wa- Oh hey Madison," Thomas started off angrily but was surprised to see his old college roommate at his door.

The shorter man shivered in a huge winter coat and a scarf and a beanie wrapping around his ears. You could only see his eyes through all the clothing he had on.

James opened his mouth to speak but broke out into coughing before he could get a word out. "James are you sick?" Thomas was fed up with this boy. Who goes out while it's snowing, and while you're sick?

"Yes I'm fucking sick Thomas," James brushed past Thomas and stepped into the house. "Put some clothes on it's too cold out." James was acting like Thomas's mother now.

"I don't want to put on clothes, I'm fine like this," Thomas walked into the kitchen to make some coffee for the both of them. James definitely needed some, he looked like he was freezing to death.

Once the coffee was done, Thomas picked up both mugs and walked over to James who was sitting on the couch watching House of Cards. Thomas stood over James and held the mug down for James to grab. James looked up at Thomas and looked flustered. "Are you going to take the mug or are you just going to stare at me and let it burn my hands?"

James quickly grabbed the mug and held it close to his chest, looking awkwardly to the side. "Thank you, Thomas," James thanked his tall friend quickly. Thomas smiled and winked at the man sitting on the couch. James shuffled awkwardly.

"Scoot over, I'm gonna sit beside you," Thomas sat down next to James, they're legs touching. Thomas leaned back and put his arm around the back of the couch.

His chest was exposed but he didn't care, he was too deep into the Netflix episode. James sat awkwardly, trying to keep from touching his friend's chest with his arm.

They sat like this for almost three hours without either of them speaking. "I can't believe Frank did that," Thomas said once the episode ended. "Yeah, it's pretty sick."

Two more episodes and both of them were in fits now. "THEY'RE FUCKING CHEATING ON EACH OTHER!" was all that Thomas yelled and James yelled out, "FUCK YOU ADAM--AND YOU TOO ZOEY!"

Another sex scene came up a few minutes later. "THIS IS DISGUSTING, HOW DARE YOU FRANCIS!" Thomas was furious with this show.

They finished the next episode and the season was over.

"Well that was a roller coaster of a season," James said, staring at the screen blankly. "You're damn right it was," Thomas replied.

They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"So why'd you leave," James said quietly, sipping his now-cold coffee. "What?" Thomas looked over to his friend.

"Why'd you leave college?" James stared back looking sad. "Why'd you leave me?"

"James I had to leave. My grades were doing horribly and I couldn't stand it there," Thomas explained, sitting up straight and facing James. James looked so sad and it broke Thomas's heart.

"But what about your friends-" James tried to continue but was interrupted by a now angry Thomas. "Who needs friends? They all didn't even like me," Thomas interrupted harshly.

James looked hurt. "James I didn't mean it like that. I need you, of course," Thomas regretted opening his mouth but tried to make it up to his friend.

James stood up from the couch. "I'd better be going, I have a debate with Alexander. Alone." James slipped his coat on and shoved his beanie on his head.

James sounded like he could cry. Thomas felt horrible, he needed to make his best friend feel better. "James please don't leave me."

Thomas sounded helpless but he didn't care, he needed James. James froze in his place and didn't move. Thomas stood up and walked to his short friend and stood behind him. He placed his hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Pl-" Thomas was cut off by his friend's arms wrapping themselves around his waist. James was already crying and shaking. Thomas hugged back tightly, rubbing circles in his friend's back.

"I'm sorry Thomas, I shouldn't have brought it up. I could never leave you," James' voice shook but he sounded so sincere it hurt Thomas. "And I'm sorry for leaving you in college all by yourself," Thomas apologized. They stayed together and hugged for a few minutes but broke apart.

James sniffed. "I really have to make it to that debate Thomas, I'm already late for my classes," James smiled up at Thomas. "Oh yeah- sorry for making you stay and watch half a season," Thomas laughed and hugged his shorter friend again.

"Thank you Thomas," James now had on his jacket, Thomas's bigger jacket, a scarf, and his beanie. He was adorable. "It's no problem."

James was about to walk out the door but looked back at his shirtless friend, "I love you, Thomas."

Thomas smiled. "I love you too James."

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