Angelica and Alexander

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I started listening to Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 so I'm gonna write something from "Pierre and Anatole" but with Hamilton characters, because I'm unoriginal and I had ideas while listening to this


Eliza continued to slowly put Alexander's old letters into the burning light in front of her. Watching them slowly burn was slightly relaxing to her. She felt a tear creep down her face and felt it fall from her chin into the fire.

"Eliza?" Eliza's older sister placed a gentle hand on the younger ones shoulder. "You have married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun." A kiss was planted on Eliza's head and a door slammed a few seconds later.

Eliza dumped a few more letter into the fire and let out a single sob.

"I hope that you burn."


Angelica walked into the office and slammed the door as hard as she could, gaining the attention of a man behind a desk.

"You promised Elizabeth that your love for her would never be in doubt, is that so?" Angelica removed her gloves and placed them on a nearby chair. She slid off her jacket too, putting that over the back of the chair.

Alexander stared up at his sister-in-law and narrowed his eyes, the dark bags underneath them creasing. The taller sister took a step forward. "I don't consider myself bound to answer questions put to me in that tone." He took a sip out of a mug in front of him and placed it down gently.

Angelica's face distorted in fury. You ungrateful bastard. Angelica rushed forward and grabbed the mug in her hand and quickly slammed it on the ground, splatters of the drink and glass all around the floor. She walked around the desk and grabbed his collar, tugging on it. She brought his face to hers and started to swing him from side to side.

His shaking hands were wrapped around Angelica's forearms, trying to hold the woman steady, but failing. Her anger gave her an extra boost of strength; and Alexander hadn't slept in days, which left him weak. His face was full of terror and Angelica decided to speak once more.

"When I tell you I must talk to you!" Her voice rattled with rage. "Come now, this is stupid!" Alexander held up his hands and screamed as Angelica reached for a heavy paperweight and held it above her head, looking as if she would hit the weak man in her grasp with it. "What- what, don't- don't!" Angelica stared down at her old lover, remembering how in love with him she was.

You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied. His words hung in her ears, causing more pain each time it replayed in her head.

"You're a scoundrel and a blackguard, and I don't know what deprives me the pleasure of smashing your head in with this!" He tried to reach for the heavy object, but Angelica slammed it back into its original place on the desk.

"Did you promise you would love her?" Angelica let go of the collar of Alexander's shirt, who fell back into the chair with the sudden lack of support. "It wasn't my fault! I never promised, because--" Angelica groaned, cutting him off. "Have you any letters of hers? Any letters?" She exhaled, "I shan't be violent, don't be afraid."

Alexander opened his desk quickly and handed over a stack of letters with "Elizabeth Schuyler" written on each of them. "First, the letters, second, tomorrow you must get out of New York."

Alexander looked confused at the woman's orders. "But how can I?" Angelica ignored him.

"Third, you must never speak a word of what has happened between you and the Reynolds. Now I can't prevent you from doing so, but if you have a spark of conscience," she now paced the room, sorting through the letters. Alexander sat at his desk, frowning and biting his lip guiltily.

"After all, you must understand, that besides your pleasure, there is such a thing as other people, and their happiness and peace. And that you are ruining the life for the sake of amusing yourself! Amuse yourself with women such as myself. With them, you're within rights, but to promise a young girl to truly love her, to deceive, to cheat. Why don't you understand that that's as cruel as beating an old man or a child?" Angelica swung her arms, motioning to different objects in the room as she spoke, her last gesture landing on Alexander, her eyes willed with anguish.

"Well, I don't know about that, eh?" Alexander grumbled, crossing his arms and staring angrily at the woman pacing the room. "I don't know that and I don't want to. But you have used such words to me--'scoundrel', and so on--which as a man of honor I will not allow anyone to use."

Angelica scoffed at his remark. "Is it satisfaction you want?" She flinched at her own words, remembering the night she met Alexander. She shook the thought away quickly. Alexander didn't think twice about them though.

"You could at least take back your words, eh? If you want me to do as you wish?"

Angelica imagined Eliza sobbing and burning the letters she used to love dearly. "Fine, I take them back, I take them back!" Alexander smiled and Angelica softened. She would at least help her old friend. "And I ask you to forgive me. And if you require money for your journey--"

Alexander's smile took the breath out of her lungs. She had seen that smile used on so many women, the look now revolted her. Oh, vile and heartless brood! She hated that she still felt love in her heart for this man that ruined her sister.


The next day Hamilton left for New Jersey after visiting his children. He was only gone for a little while though; his son's duel brought him back to his wife, the broken pair crying on each other over the loss of their son.


This sucked ass,,,, anyways, school is going to start soon, so updates might come a bit slower but I'll try to keep up with this!

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