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life is pointless and im sick of living but hi i havent lost motivation just yet


"Hi, welcome to Walmart! Are you looking for anything in particular," the man in front of James and Thomas smiled warmly. "No," Thomas answered flatly, walking past the man. 

James looked from one man to the other. He decided to apologize to the employee. "Sorry about him, he's always in a mood when it's this early," James said sorrily to the slightly taller man. "It's fine, don't worry about it. He was probably the nicest person today," the employee laughed. 

"Well I am looking for the cat food isle," James spoke, looking down at his shopping list. "Ah. It's all the way down on the left. It's near the gardening area in the back," he spoke, pointing to the right of them. "Okay, thank you!" James walked off to find Thomas. "No problem," the man called back, welcoming another person.

James found Thomas easily and grabbed his arm. "What in the hell was that?" James asked, frustrated with Thomas's rudeness. "I'm not in the mood to talk to overly-positive people right now, James," he spoke, looking down at his boyfriend. "But I am in the mood for you," he smirked and moved his body closer to James', making James blush and move away. "We're in a goddamn Walmart, no," he walked out of the isle to find the cat food for Sugar, their cat.

Thomas walked behind James, constantly trying to hold James' hand. James finally pushed his hand into his pocket, agitated by Thomas already. 

"Jaaaaames," Thomas whined, leaning on his boyfriend. James ignored him and picked up a shampoo that smells like coconuts. "Go get a basket to hold the stuff."

Thomas groaned and walked out of the isle and left James alone. "They're out of fucking conditioner?" He mumbled to himself, putting the shampoo back. 

"Are we really out?"

James jumped and stared wide-eyed at the man coming around the corner. It was the same one that greeted Thomas and James at the door. "Erm, yeah," James nodded awkwardly. The employee came around the corner and checked the code on the conditioner tag on the shelf. "Ah, we are out of this," he stood up straight. He was now very close to James.

James shuffled away and walked further down the isle, looking for new shampoo and conditioner. He made it to the end of the isle and was now in the women's section. He found the same brand coconut shampoo and conditioner, but it was in a purple bottle and was twenty cents more expensive. James furrowed his eyebrows and quickly grabbed the men's shampoo and brought it back to the women's side, comparing the ingredients. "They're exactly the same," James said angrily to himself. 

"Yeah, they do that a lot."

James jumped away from the man again. "Fuck- I didn't see you. Again," James smiled, trying not to show how uncomfortable he was. "Oh, my bad."

He just stood next to James, not saying anything.

"So," the employee finally spoke. "Was that tall dude your boyfriend or something?" The man sounded like he was trying to tell a joke.

"Would there be an issue if he is?" James asked in full seriousness. "I- I didn't mean anything -- I just wanted to know," the employee took a step towards James. "But there would be no issue with having a boyfriend. Especially one that looked like you," he was staring straight at James, but James kept his eyes on the bottles of hair supplies in front of him, not daring to turn his head.

"You're bewitching," his voice deepened and James shut his eyes tightly, trying not to cry, but his quivering lip made it difficult to do so. "What's wrong, angel?" the man placed a finger under James' chin and turned his head. James opened his eyes and walked away quickly.

The employee followed quickly, taking James' arm in hand. "Leave me alone," James warned. There's no telling what Thomas would do if he saw this. 

"C'mon baby, we're just having fun," he laughed, not taking James seriously. James didn't want to do this but the man left him with no choice. 

"THOMAS," he yelled, making a few people stop in their tracks around James. A clattering noise erupted from down the store and Thomas appeared, a basket in hand. He stopped running for a moment and looked at the employee's arm around James' arm.

He quickly made his way over to his boyfriend and loomed over the employee. "Get the hell away from him," he squinted at the name tag on the man's shirt, "Luke." Thomas spoke in a deep, malicious tone. 

James grabbed on to Thomas's arm and hid half of his body behind the much taller man. Luke took one glace up into Thomas's eyes and shortly after received a punch to his jaw, making him stumble back.

"You blonde piece of goddamn trash," Thomas spat at the man leaning over. 

Thomas grabbed James' hand tightly and gave it a reassuring squeeze before walking past Luke to the back of the store to get cat food. Fuck the shampoo, I'm not going back that way. James didn't look back at Luke.

Once they made it into the isle, Thomas kissed James and hugged him tightly. "I'm so sorry for leaving you, baby. I knew I should have stayed with you in case a creep like that bitch came around," Thomas apologized, taking a few breaks to kiss James again. James just smiled and hugged Thomas tightly, feeling safe with him in his arms.

"It's alright, Tommy. I shouldn't have been in a bad mood," James spoke into Thomas's chest. "Well, it's all over now. Papa's here," he attempted to sooth James but just made him laugh. "Jesus Christ, good job ruining the moment," James burst out in laughter, covering his face with his sleeve. "Aw, but your'e smiling," Thomas admired James.

"Oh, hush," James smiled, picking up a bag of cat food and placing it in their basket. "Are we all set?" Thomas asked, holding James' hand in one hand and a basket in the other. "Yes, we're through here, my love," James replied, smiling to himself. 

They checked out and paid for the cat food and two cupcakes that Thomas bought while getting their basket. They made it to the car and put everything in the backseat. James placed the basket in the space where you put the rest of the carts (or buggies according to where you're from like I'm from South Carolina so it's a buggy for me).

They sat in the front seats in comfortable silence. Thomas turned to James and his heart warmed. 

"Your'e so pretty, you know that?" Thomas admired James with his head on his hand. "Shut up and drive," James felt his face get hot. "Yes, sir," Thomas turned the car on and drove out of the parking lot. 

"Your'e prettier, Thomas."

"Shut up, you know your'e pretty but you don't wanna sound arrogant so you won't admit it. I'm onto your games, Madison."

"Focus on the road, Jefferson."

"I wanna focus on the angel beside me, though."


"Fine, angel. Whatever you say."


its late and ive been crying over lin leaving hamilton for some reason?? idk why im crying over this, it happened forever ago. i just saw pics of him and the cast looking sad and now im sad but like a happy sad cause i know how far theyve come and im so prouD. anyways bye i love jeffmads more than life itself

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