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happy august guys


Alexander walked over to the park bench, the loud banging of the fireworks in the distance catching is attention. He quickly sat down, pulling one leg up to cross it over the other.

He looked at the sky, studying the colored smoke rising from behind the distant trees. The lights lit up his face and caught in his eyes.

A creak on to the left of the bench caught his attention. A tall man with dark hair sat down. Alexander inwardly groaned.



"What are you doing here?" Thomas looked over to the short man beside him, but Alexander wouldn't look back at him.

"Just," Alexander exhaled, "Watching the fireworks." He still kept his eyes above the trees. His face lit up with a bright, gold light for a split second then went dark again. The pond in front of them lit up and went dark again, it was like a reversed sky, but Alexander was prettier than the body of water. The gold in Alexander's eyes brought out the true brown in them and it left Thomas in awe. Oh, what he would do to repair the old friendship he and Alexander had.

Thomas tried to keep them talking, not wanting there to be an awkward silence between them. "They're really pretty today, huh?" He smiled at the sky, watching another burst.

"Yeah, they're amazing. I wish they would do this more, I love watching fireworks. Just chilling outside, left with nothing but the sky."

There was so much passion in his voice. How does someone get this emotional about fireworks? Thomas didn't question it though; he was enjoying the smile that crept its way across Alexander's face. He looked absolutely stunning.

Alexander glanced to his left and saw Thomas scoot over an inch or two. Thomas caught him glaring at him and looked up to the sky again. "There was a spider."

A few minutes passed and no one spoke. It wasn't an awkward silence, but there was some kind of tension there.

Thomas exhaled, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and and shaking it, then taking one out of the box. Alexander just stared at him, his eyebrows furrowed together, "What are you doing?"

Thomas smiled, "I was waking up the cancer."

Alexander laughed at that, a wide smile on his face. Seeing Alexander happy made Thomas happy.

After a few more laughs, Alexander looked serious for a second. "So you do know you can get cancer from that? And you still do it?"

Thomas just stared at Alexander from the corner of his eye, his unlit cigarette still in between his lips. "It's a stress and anxiety reliever, dude. I need this to get through college." He pulled out a lighter and lit his cigarette, sitting back on the bench and crossing his arms.

Before he could put the bright red lighter in his pocket, Alexander reached over and took the lighter out of Thomas's hand. He quickly got a good grip on it and threw it into the pond in front of them.

Thomas didn't even flinch, he just sat back, wide-eyed. "You do know the lighter fluid could kill all the fish and shit, right?"

Alexander just stared at Thomas blankly. "You're joking, right?" Thomas just shook his head, smirking. "You just killed a turtle Hamilton, I bet your boyfriend won't be too happy with that." Thomas stopped smirking now.

Alexander rubbed his hand over his other hand a couple times. "John isn't my boyfriend." Alexander was looking at the ground.

Thomas rolled his eyes. "You just called him John. Instead of Laurens." Thomas knew Hamilton would eventually go out with his roommate. The bi shit can get anyone to fall in love with him--and Thomas was proof. He can turn his enemies into lovers and it made Thomas sick, but it was an enjoyable sick.

"I don't call everyone by their last names, Jefferson. He has a first and last name so I can call him whichever I choose." Alexander looked annoyed.


"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing." Thomas was smiling at how mad Alexander was getting.

A silence settled again and neither of them spoke. This was a comfortable silence, each of them enjoying the other's presence.

"Jefferson, I think I'm actually enjoying having you around for once." Thomas laughed a bit, Did Alexander just say that?

Thomas took the cigarette out of his mouth and threw it on the ground and crushed it. "I think I'm enjoying your company, too, Alexander." Wait. He rubbed his face with a hand and didn't look at Alexa--at Hamilton.

"I didn't mean to call you that."

"It's fine. Don't worry about it.

Thomas just stared at his hands, I've never called him that, why did I do it now?

"Dude, seriously," Thomas looked at Alexander, who placed a hand on the taller man's shoulder, "Thomas, it's okay."

Thomas smiled at Alexander, this idiot.

They both sat back, watching the last few fireworks bust. It was so peaceful, just the two of them.

Once they stopped, Thomas stood up. "I'll see you tomorrow, right?"

Alexander smiled up at him, "Of course, Thomas."

Thomas reached over to Alexander and shook his hand.

"See you at the debate tomorrow, me and James have a great argument and we're going to blow you and Laurens out of the water."

"Sure," Alexander laughed. "I bet that we'll win."

"Mhm. See you tomorrow, Alexander."

"See you tomorrow, Thomas."

And with that, Alexander stood up and the two parted ways, still thinking about the time they spent together.


this was so fun to write!!

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